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showing 2 matches from 101713 total entries
Title Group Category Year
downloadMichel AngelotusZenon
Broom - Dr. Chain - Tohe
added 5/06
on Abduction 3 - 1996
Broom - Buzzer - Mare - ...
AGA Chipset required

BBS of Zenon

BBS NameTypeYear(s)Country
FreakOut1997 Finland
Graveyard1997 Finland

Members and Subgroups of Zenon

(no subgroups)
Member NameTask(s)Known as Member in YearCountry
BishopCoder1994 Finland
BroomMusic Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist, Swapper1992 Finland
BuzzerMusic Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist1994 Finland
DominatorSysop1994-2003 Finland
Dr. ChainGraphics Artist1992-1995
DreamerModem Trader1994
Duq (aka Khaos)Coder, Texter, Graphics Artist, Swapper1994-2003 Finland
Godfather (aka Nemesis)Graphics Artist, Swapper, Modem Trader1993-2000 Finland
Gore (aka Deetail)Music Artist, Texter1994-1995 Finland
Jh-ProCoder, Swapper1993 Finland
LoopSysop, ASCII Artist1997-2003 Finland
ManuxCoder, 3D Designer2003
MareCoder, Texter, Graphics Artist1995 Finland
MiceMusic Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist2000 Finland
Mr. Zak (aka Woodpecker)Graphics Artist1992-2003
NicoCoder, Graphics Artist1994
RandyGraphics Artist1997-2003
SuneGraphics Artist1995-2003
ToheCoder, Texter, Graphics Artist, Swapper1992 Finland
YziCoder, Music Artist, Graphics Artist1995 Finland