
Graphics Artist

  • Country: France
  • Known as member of Sensation in 1991
  • Also with this name: Jeff (Jetset, Desire, Channel X) (NL), Jeff (Iris, Eremation, Outlaws, Sun Connection) (BE), Jeff (Pilgrims) (SE), Jeff (Top Swap) (US), Jeff (Animators, The Special Brothers) (DE), Jeff (Sanity, The Undertakers), Jeff (Surprise! Productions, Damage Inc., Curse) (NO), Jeff (Starlight) (DE), Jeff (Quicksilver), Jeff (Analog), Jeff (Delta Line), Jeff (Maniax (amos))

Jobs in Releases

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Releases that mention this Person as a Member

As Member of SensationCategoryAuthorYear
Nasty - Sydney - Zac - ...
added 9/16