

  • Known as active in 1989-1990
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Known as member of Culprits in 1989-1990
  • Also with this name: Fred (Red Sector Inc., Addonic, Visdom, Delight, Armageddon, Netzwerk, Amaze, Crack Inc., The Mind Bomb/Mind Bomb) (DE), Fred (Public Enemies) (FI), Fred (Archaos), Fred (The Silents, Pussy, Skid Row, Delirium, Enigma (BE)) (BE), Fred (Level 4), Fred (Dictators) (SE), Fred (Profecy), Fred (Palace) (SE), Fred (Heretia), Fred (Syndicate (new)), Fred (Quartex, Scoopex, Demons, Atlantys, Willow, Agile, Surprise! Productions) (FR), Fred (Ackerlight, Brainstormers, Ubi Soft, La Marque Jaune) (FR), Fred (Amitech) (CH), Fred (Mercenary) (GB), Fred (Suspect), Fred (Crime(ger)), Fred (Kangooroo), Fred (Calodox), Fred (Alfaforce) (SE), Fred (Afc) (PL), Fred (Newings) (CH), Fred (Vision Factory), Fred (Poseidon) (BE), Fred (The Gang) (SE), Fred (The Band), Fred (Byterapers/Byterapers Inc.) (SE), Fred (Anthrax) (FR)

Jobs in Releases

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showing 1 matches from 102217 total entries
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downloadC.E.S. Intro
Different version

on CES London 1990

Job: Text
added 10/20

Releases that mention this Person as a Member

As Member of CulpritsCategoryAuthorYear
downloadC.E.S. IntroIntro
Xag - Zigor
added 11/14