Multinodes, Ringdown

  • Known as active in 1992-1995
  • Country: USA
  • Ex BBS Phone Number(s): +1-718-279-9488 (ringdown), +1 718-279-2667 and four+ other nodes
  • Known as: X-Factor (since 1994), House Of Pain (in 1992-1993)
  • Known as BBS of Crystal in 1992-1993, TRSI, Over The Top

About X-Factor

Was initially called House Of Pain and was a Crystal 3-nodes though Paradox had a well-known BBS with the same name, hence it took the name X-Factor. As a board of TRSI it grew to 6+ nodes.

Ad from June 93:
A Tempest BBS   _:____  A3000 25 Mhz  /  10 Megz RAM  /  600+ Megz Online!
   ________  _____\.  \____  ______________    ________  ______     
  /\.  \  .\/.    .\   \  .\/.    -ATXS-  .\  /\.     .\/.    .\    
O-\ \   \   \   \   \   \   \   \___________\-\ \   \   \   \___\---------O
:  \ \       \   \   \   \   \____   \   _\___ \ \   \   \   __\          :
|   \ \.  \   \.  \  .\.  \  .\.  \  .\.     .\ \ \.  \  .\.  \      :    |
|    \ \___\  .\_______\_______\_______\_______\ \ \_______\___\  _ _|_ _ |
|     \/___/\___\______/_______/_______/_______/  \/_______/___/     |    |
|          \/___/                         ________                   :    |
|              ______________  ___________\.     .\  ____________         |
|             /\.           .\/.          .\       \/.          .\        |
|   //        \ \      \      \      \      \       \      _      \       |
| \X/AMIGA     \ \      \     .\             \       \      \      \      |
|    S-NES      \ \       ______\.    .\.    .\.     .\.    .\.    .\     |
|  PC-ENGINE     \ \      \_____/\______\______\_______\_____/\______\    |
:                 \ \ .   .\    \/_____________/_______/____/\/______/    :
O------------------\ \______\---------------------------------------------O
  .: SNES CODER :.  \/______/    . .::  CRYSTAL USHQ  .  VISA USHQ  ::. .
.::: CONFERENCE :::.                 Fastest With The Console Warez!!
Node(1): 1-718-279-9488   Node(2): 1-718-279-1457   Node(3) :1-718-279-1476
USR14.4 HST Ringdown->    USR16.8 Dual Ringdown ->  USR16.8 Dual            

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