
Coder, Music Artist, Texter

  • Known as active in 1989
  • Country: Norway
  • Known as member of Platoon in 1989
  • Also with this name: Raistlin (Anarchy, Flash Production, Razor 1911, Cryptic, Soundwave, Genesis Project) (GB), Raistlin (Futura, Nightfall, Divina, Vicious Circle (USA), Phoenix (UK)) (US), Raistlin (Pussy) (GB), Raistlin (Northstar/North Star, Brainwave) (FR), Raistlin (Pleasure) (DE), Raistlin (Goonies 2041/The Goonies), Raistlin (Amaze), Raistlin (Necropolis) (ES), Raistlin (The Magic Guild) (NO), Raistlin (Abort) (CZ), Raistlin (Deadline, Beyond 2000, Fantasy (NO)) (NO), Raistlin (Shining, Elite Inc., Arcana) (SE), Raistlin (Sudden Sex), Raistlin (Asperity) (DK), Raistlin (Fast Inc.), Raistlin (Templarios) (ES), Raistlin (Alliance) (GB)

Jobs in Releases

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showing 1 matches from 102285 total entries
Title Group Category Year
downloadDie Hard
aka Partydemo

on IT, Rawhead, Band and IMP-666 Megaparty

Job: Code, Text
added 9/12