Coder, Music Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist, Swapper, Organizer
Jobs in Releases
showing 7 matches from 102503 total entries |
Title | Group | Category | Year |
Rigor Mortis | Intro | 90 added 10/08 | |
Rigor Mortis | Demo | 1/90 added 12/08 | |
Rigor Mortis | Demo | 1/90 added 2/09 | |
Rigor Mortis | Demo | v1/90 added 6/08 | |
Rigor Mortis | Packdisk | 3/90 added 2/06 | |
Rigor Mortis | Packdisk | 4/90 added 2/06 | |
Rigor Mortis | Packdisk | 5/90 added 2/06 |
Releases that mention this Person as a Member
As Member of Rigor Mortis | Category | Author | Year |
Demo | Rigor Mortis Automan - Oliver - Zelnik | 7/89 added 3/95 | |
Demo | Rigor Mortis Automan - Oliver | v9/89 added 12/08 | |
Demo | Rigor Mortis Automan - Farenheit - Steel | 1/90 added 2/09 | |
Musicdisk 100% working diskimages | Rigor Mortis Acro - Automan - Churchill - ... | m1/90 added 7/12 |