
Sysop, Modem Trader

Jobs in Releases

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Interviews with Dansken

Interview found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadDream Charts 19Diskmagazine
Dalamar & Fuzz & Rob
added 2/99

Interview Text

@node dan

 I have made this questions so you can be a part of The Dreamchart.
 And I have chosen these questions in no order because several peoples
 in the scene would like to know who you are and what kind of thoughts
 you have. Make your own space between the questions thank you. =)
Handle: Dansken
Group : Looker House - United Internet hackers - Esctacy
Age   : 22
Sex   : Male
Q: For how long have you been an Amiga owner?
A: ~5 years 

Q: What type of Amiga do you have today? OCS/ECS/
... read more

Releases that mention this Person as a Member

As Member of InsaneCategoryAuthorYear
Color - Metal - Morris
added 4/97