
Wayne Mendoza
Coder, Texter

  • Known as active in 1991-1997
  • Country: Germany
  • Known as member of TRSI in 1993, Aspect in 1991-1992, Masque in 1992-1997

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Interviews with Wayne Mendoza

Interview found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadShowtime 8Diskmagazine
AGA Chipset required - interviews
Bytebreaker - Chris - Cueder - ...
Interview found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadsHeadline 1Diskmagazine
Stone Arts
Aragorn - BCR - Coke - ...
added 2/95

Interview Text

   Celebrity: Wayne Mendoza/Masque
by Dolphin

"Tell us about your favourite demos?"

        Wayne Mendoza/Masque

Yum  !   I  know quite a lot of demos
which  are  really  cool.   First  to
mention "Desert Dream" by Kefrens.  I
would say that`s really the best demo
I   ever  saw  in  my  life.   Really
EVERYTHING    fitted   together   and
resulted   in   a   piece   of  great
entertainment.  I don`t know how many
times I watched it, but I think quite
... read more