
Coder, Texter

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Interviews with Psalt

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downloadRetro 2Diskmagazine
AGA Chipset required - interviews - AMOS code
Dr. Death - Genetix - Jace - ...
added 11/11

Interview Text

Handle:     Psalt
Group(s):   Spaceballs & Donut Fetish PC

Age:        19
Occupation: Coder

What utilities do you use the most? (Name 3 of them!)
- Dir, Execute and AsmOnev1.29

How long have you been on the scene?
- For about 2 years or so.

What do you think of the scene today?
- What should I say?  
  I really like the scene.  But it is decreasing in pure mass for every day.
  Especially here in Norway.  We don't have many groups left, but those who
  are left are more or less active.  At 
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