
Mr. Magic
Music Artist, Graphics Artist

  • Known as active in 1989
  • Known as member of Mci in 1989
  • Also with this name: Mr. Magic (Impulse, Awe, Cyborgs) (NO), Mr. Magic (The Silents, Threat, The Acoustic Revolution, The Prophets AG) (EU), Mr. Magic (Triumph), Mr. Magic (Amitech), Mr. Magic (IRIS/Illi Recentes ImperatoreS, Platin, Black Planet) (DE), Mr. Magic (Sunriders) (IS), Mr. Magic (Imaginetics) (NL)

Jobs in Releases

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Releases that mention this Person as a Member

As Member of MciCategoryAuthorYear
downloadPoldi'S FirstIntro
Modesty - Poldi
added 7/06
downloadReal First DemoDemo
150% - Gamma - Mr. Magic
added 12/10