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BBS of Vicious

BBS NameTypeYear(s)Country
Neon CityMultinodes1993 Netherlands

Members and Subgroups of Vicious

(no subgroups)
Member NameTask(s)Known as Member in YearCountry
CoverGraphics Artist1992-1993
Crew OneCoder, Texter, Graphics Artist1993 Netherlands
Cult Jam (aka Donovan)Music Artist1993 Netherlands
DvoGraphics Artist1992-1993
ElessarTexter, Swapper1992 Netherlands
FletcherSysop, Modem Trader1993 Netherlands
GodfatherTexter, Graphics Artist, Packdisk Editor, Swapper1992-1993 Germany
Icelord (aka D-Icelord)Coder, Texter1992-1993 Netherlands
Insane (aka Fila)Texter, Swapper1992-1993 Netherlands
JunebugMusic Artist1992
McaMusic Artist, Texter1992-1993 Netherlands
RavedownTexter, Graphics Artist, Sysop, Swapper1992-1993 Netherlands
ShockerMusic Artist1992-1993 Netherlands
SolidGraphics Artist1992-1993 Netherlands
StrikeMusic Artist, Graphics Artist1992-1993 Netherlands
The Duke (aka Duke)Coder, Texter1992 Netherlands
Twain PainCoder, Music Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist, Diskmag Editor1992-1993 Netherlands
Vulcan (aka Cloud)Texter, Swapper1992-1993 Netherlands
YceSwapper1992-1993 Netherlands