
Lord Dredd
Swapper, Organizer

  • Known as active in 1988-1992
  • Country: Denmark
  • Known as member of The Silents in 1988-1992

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Interviews with Lord Dredd

Interview found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadZine 3Diskmagazine
Arrakis - Chester - Grubi - ...
added 3/94

Interview Text

A Brainstorm interview with Mr.Perfect & Jens (L.Dredd) of SILENTS. 
How old are you? 
-Jens(L.DREDD):I'm 16 years old and I'm the main spreader here in Denmark. 
-Mr. Perfect: I'm the youngest member in Silents, I am only 15 years old (no kidding) but I have been one of the most active coders in Silents lately. 
When have you bought your first computer? 
-Jens: I got a c16 in 1984 and a c128 in 1985, on the c16 I learned  to code and I have maked a demo, but on the c128 I was a lamer. I got
... read more

Releases that mention this Person as a Member

As Member of The SilentsCategoryAuthorYear
downloadAddicted To SilenceIntro
The Silents
Butch - D-Zire - Rayban
added 3/98