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Members and Subgroups of Zymosis

(no subgroups)
Member NameTask(s)Known as Member in YearCountry
AdamGraphics Artist1996 Finland
AegisMusic Artist2016 Finland
B.Coder, Music Artist, Graphics Artist2016 Finland
Captain SupermanGraphics Artist1998
CorkCoder1996 Finland
DeetsayCoder, Music Artist, Graphics Artist, Sysop1999 Finland
El VisioCoder2016 Finland
FrameMusic Artist1996 Finland
GreippiCoder, Music Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist2023 Finland
Inu-Pappa (aka Inu)Music Artist1998-2006 Finland
JoeGraphics Artist1996
Jope2016 Finland
MoonQ2016 Finland
SlummyCoder, Music Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist2011 Norway
TweekMusic Artist Finland
UkkusporoMusic Artist2016 Finland
WrecGraphics Artist, Sysop, Modem Trader1995-1996 Finland
YelmCoder, Music Artist, Graphics Artist1995 Finland