
Coder, Music Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist

  • Known as active in 1995-2024
  • Country: Norway
  • Known as member of Spaceballs since 1995, Zymosis since 2011, Boozoholics since 2004
  • Also with this name: Slummy (Digital Artists Inc) (FI)

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Interviews with Slummy

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downloadD.I.S.C 12Diskmagazine
Gods & Iris
Darkhawk - Dr. Doom - Dran - ...

Interview Text


By Zerox/Gods


As a short introduction, please tell the readers a few words about
yourself, your function and what you want to achieve in the scene?

I was born in 1978, and my real name is Remi Johan Pedersen. At the moment 
I'm the only active coder in Spaceballs, and I've also been organizing the 
group since the summer of 1997.

When did you enter the scene and how did you first get attracted to it?

When I got my first c64 in 1989 it didn't 
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