
The Exceptions (Atari ST) (TEX)

  • Known as active in 1987-2012
  • Members countries: see members

About The Exceptions (Atari ST)

For a bit of history, The Exceptions (TEX) were an Atari ST group which released the famous "Readme" demo in 1987 with a Red Dragon crushing the Amiga ball. This demo is reportedly one of the first ones, if not the first ever, on the Atari ST. Because of this demo, The Exceptions could be mistakenly viewed as an anti-Amiga group. Only a few months later they released 'The Amiga Demo' (on Atari ST) promoting the capabilities of the Amiga Soundtracker through music artwork by Karsten Obarski himself. Members of The Exceptions, including graphician Erik Simon (ES), musician Jochen Hippel (Mad Max), and coder Udo Fischer (-ME-) later formed the legendary game company Thalion Software, which first released their games on all three platforms (ST, Amiga, PC) before becoming one of the emblems of Amiga high quality games. The red dragon featured in the 'Readme demo' by The Exceptions is found again in one of the very first games released by Thalion Software, 'Dragonflight'. The designer and main graphician of Dragonflight is Thalion co-founder Erik Simon, aka ES of The Exceptions.

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Members and Subgroups of The Exceptions (Atari ST)

(no subgroups)
Member NameTask(s)Known as Member in YearCountry
Mad Max (Jochen Hippel)Coder, Music Artist1987-1990 Germany