
Texter, Graphics Artist

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Interviews with Prowler

Interview found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadExcess 1Diskmagazine
AGA Chipset required - interviews
3d Addict - Acid - Arp - ...

Interview Text

        Interview with Prowler
            by 3d addict,
    re-edited by Ctp/Mawi^Link124

(3d) - 3d addict
(Prow) - Prowler/Scoopex

3d  -  Tell  me  a  little  bit  about

Prow   -   My   real   name   is  Klas
Benjaminsson.   I live in Sweden, just
outside  Goteborg,  the second largest
city in Sweden on the west coast.  I'm
21   years  old,  and  I'm  right  now
studying to a master of science degree
in   engineering   at   the  "Chalmers
... read more

Releases that mention this Person as a Member

As Member of Up RoughCategoryAuthorYear
downloadCool Ska CoolDemo
AGA Chipset required
Up Rough
Booger - Kalms - Model - ...
added 7/07