
Coder, Music Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist

  • Known as active in 1990
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Known as member of Mirage Uk in 1990
  • Also with this name: Nitro (Digital, Delight, Prodigy, Smurf) (DE), Nitro (Apex), Nitro (Decade, Awake, Total Destruction, Pearl Jam) (DE), Nitro (LSD/Light Speed Distribution) (EU), Nitro (Extacy) (FI), Nitro (Fusion, Pirates Haven) (US), Nitro (Crystal, Pussy, Destiny) (GB), Nitro (Mutants), Nitro (Mexx), Nitro (Resolution 101), Nitro (The Fun Factory) (FI), Nitro (Balance) (SE), Nitro (Anthrox), Nitro (NL), Nitro (Team-X), Nitro (Bigmac Brothers) (CH)

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