

Jobs in Releases

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showing 1 matches from 101930 total entries
Title Group Category Year
Jerry - Raf - SS Captain
Import Intro
added 11/16

Members and Subgroups of Katharsis

(no subgroups)
Member NameTask(s)Known as Member in YearCountry
AgonyGraphics Artist1990 Poland
Andrew BrentCoder, Texter1990 Poland
BackfireTexter, Packdisk Editor, Series Publisher, Swapper1992 Poland
Don KichotTexter, Graphics Artist1992 Poland
JerryTexter, Graphics Artist1990-1991 Poland
KatoGraphics Artist1992
KiciaMusic Artist1992 Poland
MC PSVTexter1992-1993 Poland
MacCoder, Texter, Graphics Artist, Cracker1990-1991 Poland
Mad MaxMusic Artist, Texter1992 Poland
Mr. RootMusic Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist1991 Poland
PythonGraphics Artist, Swapper1992 Poland
RafCoder, Music Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist, Founder1990-1992 Poland
SS CaptainTexter, Swapper1990-1992 Poland
TomCoder1992 Poland

Katharsis Is Greeted In
