

  • Known as active in 1992
  • Country: Denmark
  • Known as member of 2000 AD in 1992
  • Ex System Operator of Lost And Damned in 1992
  • Also with this name: Ufo (The Silents, Aurora, Orient, Danger Productions) (SE), Ufo (Tristar), Ufo (Empire, Omicron, Alfa Base/Alpha Base) (SE), Ufo (Submission), Ufo (Limited Edition, Moment 22, Hardcore Design) (SE), Ufo (Flying Cows) (PL), Ufo (Analogy, Krafted) (FI), Ufo (Polaris, Vikings) (HR), Ufo (Leprosy, Metal Church/Metal ...) (AT), Ufo (Iris, Heretia, Idk) (FR)

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Releases that mention this Person as a Member

As Member of 2000 ADCategoryAuthorYear
2000 AD
Ceno - Energy - NVT - ...
added 12/23