

  • Known as active in 1995-1998
  • Members countries: see members

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Interviews with Ramses

Interview found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadsTrashcan 4 EnglishDiskmagazine
AGA Chipset required - interviews
Network (new)
3d Addict - Black Dragon - Budgie - ...
added 8/11

Members and Subgroups of Ramses

(no subgroups)
Member NameTask(s)Known as Member in YearCountry
DdgCoder, Graphics Artist1995-1998 France
HelixGraphics Artist1996-1998 France
Kana (aka Kana-x)Music Artist1996 France
KelsonGraphics Artist, Swapper1998 France
KrabobCoder, Music Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist1998 France
LadyGraphics Artist1996
LensGraphics Artist1996-1998
LordGraphics Artist1996-1998
NextMusic Artist1996-1998 France
SevenCoder1996-1998 France
TexCoder, Music Artist, Graphics Artist1998 France
TravenMusic Artist, Graphics Artist1998 France
YodeGraphics Artist1996-1998
ZaacCoder, Music Artist, Graphics Artist1997-1998 France