Release Review for Mindriot

found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadRAW 05
on The Gathering 1993
Audiomonster - Castor - Chaos - ...
added 2/94
Mind Riot - Andromeda
The beginning of this demo
is really mindblasting. Everything is so
nice designed with the music and really put you into a good atmosphere.
After a while the speed of the demo goes down! There are some good
effects in this demo like the mirror effect and the circles. But it's
not innovation that is Andromeda's strongest side. It's the fact that all
objects look nice! Everything look so sugar sweat. Maybe too sweat 

According to Andromeda, 1992 was only an introduction. We look forward
to other Andromeda productions in 1993.

Code          :  4

Music         :  4

Graphics      :  5

Design        :  6

Entertainment :  4