Inteview with Norad

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added 2/95

This is a chat with Norad/Anarchy, the
sysop  of Anarchy's European HQ,  Aces

C = Coral  N = Norad
N - This is NORAD, How can I help you

C - Ok, Lets go... Well... Please give
    me some facts about yourself Like
    your  name,  earlier groups and so

N - Facts about myself  Hmm,  well my
    real  name  is  Martin  and I'm 20 
    years old. Btw, my birthday is May 
    the  28th!  So  please  greet  me, 
    heheh. Well earlier groups Dunno.
    Eh, let's see now... Virtual.  No,
    Acrophobia or somthing first, then 
    Virtual  for 5-6  months  and then  
    independent  some  months  and now 
    it's  (A)narchy!  And  I hope I'll 
    stay there!!

C - Ok! Hm.. Why did you join Anarchy
N - Well, I joined  Anarchy  because I
    have wanted to join Anarchy for  a
    long time, since it was and IS, my 
    favourite group  among  all  other 
    groups around. And... well I wrote
    to   Conquest  after  seeing   the
    Spring  Melodies  music  disk  and 
    asked if I could join, but it took
    a long time before answer and then
    finally NHp called  me up and said
    that  I  was in! And believe me, I 
    was sooooo happy!! :) 

C - HA!  Is it true that Nhp has got a
    board too

N - Well  both  yes  and  no, it  is a
    private board for Anarchy  members
    only,  but  the truth  is that the 
    board hasn't opened yet!

C - Aha!  I suppose that there will be
    some new cool prods from you soon.
    Can  you  give me and  the readers
    some facts!

N - Well,  I  have got many disks with
    gfx and music and previews for the 
    new  productions that  will  come!   
    I  can say that a  music disk will 
    be released -  Winter Melodies and
    everyone  has to get the bbs intro
    (demo)   for  our  boards   coming 
    really soon! 

C - Alot of traders think that you are
    one  of  the  best sysops  in  the
    Swedish scene.  What do  you think
    about that and why Is it true
N - Well,  I don't  know if I'm such a  
    good  sysop. All I try to do is to  
    be  friendly  and  helpful  to  my
    users,  nothing more actually, and
    one must always keep in  mind that
    it's the USERS who make the boards
    and not the sysop!  If I decide to
    play boss and act stupid,  then  I
    think   many   users   would  stop

C - Ok!  Do you like being a sysop or
    Is it  boring  and  monotonous  to
    have  to   stay   infront  of  the  
    computer  quite alot  And for how
    long have you had the board open

N - If  I like to  be a sysop  Sure I 
    do!!  It's great!  I like watching 
    what happens  and what  the  users 
    do on my board. Truly awesome! And 
    I spend alot of time infront of my 
    computer, and it has  effected  my 
    sleep. I get late to work everyday
    etc etc,  but  I just love to chat 
    and help users. Very nice indeed!!
    The board has now been opened  for  
    one year and five  months, I think
    (910618) and  it's not  until  now 
    the  board  has  really  got  more
    active  and  more  interesting  to

C - How  much have you  spent on  your
    board,  and what  equipment do you 

N - Jesus, a lot! One Amiga 500, 2 hds
    (105 & 85),  1 hst (16.8) and then
    disks and  shit... Actually I have
    2 amigas (so I  can play games :))
    and  another  HST  for  collecting
    data for ST :)...  I think  I have 
    spent  20-25,000 Skr  on my  board
    and when  the new node  comes + my 
    faster computer and bigger HD and,
    arghh!! I don't want to talk about
    it, but it's fun, fun as hell!!

C - That's  great!  A new node  maybe.
    Oki, but, What do you have on your
    pizza which  I know  you're eating 
    just now

N - My  pizza  It's  now cold as ice-
    cream, BUT, I like cold pizza.  It
    has  some  mushrooms  and  ham and
    some other shit... I don't know, I
    just eat it!

C - Mmmm,  sounds crispy!  Do you have 
    any special plans for the  future
    Like two cars, a fat wife and five
    children... And so on

N - Are you crazy My life is a mess!!
    I can hardly think one week ahead!
    I  live my  life day by day,  so I
    can't actually tell, but of course
    I  will  get  a car & house & wife 
    when  the time is right, but right 
    now  I  want   to  play   with  my 
    computer until I puke on it.  Ahh! 
    A  new  pizza has arrived!  By the  
    way,  do you want to know the size 
    of my shoes

C - Oki! Sounds interesting! ... Not!!
    So you live at your parents house.
    What  do  they  think  about  your

N - Sure I  live at home!  It's really
    cheap, h0h0h0.  My  parents  don't
    know anything of what I do... Sure
    they  know  I have  computers  and
    fooling around with them, but they
    don't  know  I have a  board,  and 
    playing a pirate all day long :) I
    actually  showed  my  mum  how  to 
    bluebox  and  she  got pretty mad!
    What if the police comes, etc etc, 
    So  from now on, I never tell them

C - Hahaha! So what if the police show
    up.  Do you ever think about that
    Is it worth the risk

N - Sure I  have  thought  about that,
    and therefore  I  have a  plan!  I
    call  it  the  emergency plan #437
    and if I push a certain button, my
    whole room  will  lift  of to  the
    moon! Yeah nice ehh If the police
    shows   up  I  can't   really   do
    anything,  I can  only  hope  that
    I'll survive  the 'bust'  and when
    things  cool down,  I will  use my
    backuped stuff to reopen...  Haha,
    fuck the police!

C - Ok, Let's stop here...  Well, bye! 

Ending Chat.
