Release Review for Sound and Vision

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Alex - Arakys - Atomic Bubble Gum - ...
added 5/94

      "Sound Vision" by Reflect
       Code: Zeque, Overlander
           Music: Jellybeam
    Graphics: Red Baron, Nighthawk

Besides the normal effects showed this
demo  some new ones.  They made also a
nice  vectorworld  and  other very big
vectors.   The  gfx is also very good,
Read  Baron  is a talented graphician.
The  two different musics by Jellybeam
are   cute,   too.    The  endpart  is
seperated  like Hardwired.  All in all
a  trackmo  above  the  normal  level.
Nice work by such an unknown group.

              My rating:
             Code: 72/100
            Music: 65/100
             Gfx: 74/100

    Overall: 70 out of 100 points