Release Review for EuroMag 3

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added 8/94

@f00@t7ISSUE REVIEWED   -   #03


This   magazine   stretches   the  word
'tacky'   to   new  heights,  it  looks
horribly  unprofessional.  Upon booting
you  are  presented  with a simple menu
screen, that offers you two options, to
either  load  'EuroMag'  or 'Eurochart'
(Sounds   familiar!).   Well,  at  this
point  you  get  the  feeling  the this
magazine  is  hiding  some dark secret,
it's coded in Amos!  The magzine itself
is  a  real  pain to use a looks gross!
The  loading  picture  displayed  after
selecting  the  magazine  from the menu

will   give   you   your   first   true
impression  of  what  lies ahead.  Even
though  you  can change the text colour
sceme you can't make it look good, just
sicker and sicker! 

@t1Well,  this  realy  takes  the buiscit!
The  whole magazine seems like its been
written  by  two  twelve  year old boys
with  an  extremly  low  litracy level.
The  demo  reviews  contain lines which
read like "I like this and its graphics
are  great  and and there's a beast bit
demo in it", not only that the spelling
is  fucking terrible!  Well, as for the
rest of the articles, dont bother, they
are  merely poor attempts to offer what
@#@t2,19@^'real' magazines give their readers.

Well,  two words discribe this magazine
perfectly,  "Fucking Shite".  Its quite
obvious  that  the  people  behind this
magazine are nothing more that immature
little children who dont have a fucking
clue  what  they  are tring do do!  One
thing  that  I  did find quite shocking
were  their  prices  for advertisments.
After  this  issue  they plan to charge
three   pounds  (six  dollars)  for  an
advert,   this   is   quite  outragous!
People  should not have to pay anything
to  advertise  in a publication that no
one  is going to give the slightest bit
of notice to.        @t8             8/100