Release Review for D.O.S.

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Alex - Bob - Conquest - ...
added 8/94
@^@t1            D.O.S/Andromeda

@t4  Finally  somebody  did  it!   I still
wonder   why  it  took  so  long  until
somebody got the idea to do a demo in a
simulated  CLI  invironment.  The first
thing  that  struck me about this demo,
was  the  nice  design, smooth and very
neutral.   It's  very professional in a
sense,  but  at  times I miss some more
energy.   Nonetheless  I  must say that
Andromeda  masters this kind of design,
and  nobody  on the scene today, can do
it better.  Therefore I'm going to give
it  a lot in design, one might disagree
with this kind of design, but Andromeda
have  chosen this style, and there good
at  it.   The  coding is generaly quite
good,  and e.g.  the exploding triangle
animation  and  the  triangle  with the
filled  pattern looks very nice.  These
two  effects  are  ofcourse not totally
stunning,  when  you  look at it from a
@^coding  point  of  view, but in all the
routines   Andromeda  shows  that  they
definitely  know  what  they're  doing.
The  music  is  very  good-it fits this
demo-style  well, too bad it's somewhat
boring.   The graphics are very good at
all times (except the UGLY balls on the
chessfield).    These   complaints  are
actually  minor  problems, I think that
this  demo  is the best I've seen since
the   AArs   party   and   until   now.
Andromeda   could  have  used  the  CLI
environment more than they did.  Anyway
congratulations  Andromeda,  with  this
kind  of  demos  you  are really making
your way to the top.
@ta--------------- Ratings --------------

  Coding: 80%          Graphics: 80%
   Music: 60%              Idea: 70%
  Design: 90%           Overall: 90%

--------------- Ratings --------------