Party Review for Razor 1911 and IMP 666 Amiga Conference 91

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Razor 1991 and Imp 666 party - main

At the end of September, Imp 666 and
Razor  1911  held  a  Amiga party in
Arendal,  Norway.   We  travelled to
this  party  with  no  expectations.
The  main  reason  for travelling to
this party was to have fun with cool
dudes.   We  arrived  at  the  party
Friday.  Only 60 people were present
at  that time and we thought " Shit,
What  are we doing here!" But things
was   getting  better.   210  people
arrived, but most of them were local
lamers  playing their game selection
in A-Z order.  But was there no cool
dudes  on  this party?  YES, a big
thanks  to  these guys who made this
party so fun:

Andromeda : Enigma,  Hydra,  Dr.
            Jekyll,  Mr.Hyde,  Andy,
            Lord   Interface   Mage,
            Ralph and the rest 
PMC       : Ramjet and Peter  
New wave  : Bushman and Vimme
D-tect    : Phonebilly and Dark Dude
Ex-Imp    : Lord Assasin and Mr.Evil
Razor 1911: Jawbreaker

Other known groups who met up:
Spaceballs,     Symbiosis,     Flash
Productions and Motion

The  party  was  a  disaster  if you
think  of the amount of scene people
who  arrived  and what the arranging
staff  did  to increase the quality.
Due to those people mentioned above,
this  party  become  the  most funny
party I have ever been to.

There  was one thing which was quite
good.   Downtown  Arendal was just a
couple  of  minutes  from  the hall.
Every    partyplace    should   been
central.   Too many times we've been
promised  things  like  400 meter to
neareast   pizzaria,  but  then  you
reach  the  partyplace  there  is no
sign   of   pizzeria.   (read  Amega

While  we  are  at  promises.  Razor
1911 promised places to 1000 people.
But  everybody  could  see  that 400
would  be  the  MAXIMUM amount.  But
only  200  arrived,  so  what is the

Some competitions was also arranged.
First  a  Twintris and Gravity Force
competition  who  worked  out  quite

The demo, music, graphic competition
was  dull.   While  the audience was
waiting  for  show,   the  staff was
looking for Protracker, Deluxepaint4
and  Audiomaster3.   They showed the
graphics  on  a big screen which was
so  bad  that  even  from  3  meters
distance  you would have problems to
see   what   the   pictures   should
imagine.   Before the democompo Lord
Assasin  and  Mr.   Evil  brought up
some  girls from the discos downtown
to  watch  the  demos.  If they were
impressed  is  another story.  After
the  compo  all  people  could vote.
Votingforms  was spreaded.  The only
bug was that everybody could deliver
as  many  votes  as  they wished.  I
know   a   dude   who   delivered  8
voteforms!!!   While  the  arrangers
counted  the votes as slowly as they
could.   The  drunken  Lord  Assasin
gave  away  sousages  and  coke  for
FREE.   This  was  very popular ( he
got  thrown  out  of  the  cafeteria
after some time!!  )

Here is the results from the compos:


1.   Andromeda (47 votes) 
2.   Motion
3.   Talents 
4.   Symbiosis


1. Morten/ Dexion (51 votes)
2. Ramjet/ PMC
3. Wimme / New wave
4. Enigma / Andromeda

1. Mutant/ New wave 
2. Peter / PMC
3. Deadline
4. Deadline

After the compos there was a amazing
Amiga  3000  show.  Thanks to a dude
from  Triumph  for  showing  us  the
capabilities of an 3000 .

As  always there are some people who
can't keep their fingers away.  This
time      Symbiosis      lost      a
harddisk(A590).   People  who steals
should have their fingers cut off...

At  the   end   nothing  interesting
happened so we left the party place.
Next  party  I  will  attend  is the
X-mas  party in Denmark.  That party
will be a must for a party freak!!

Lord Helmet 

Razor 1911 and Imp 666 party -Motion

Motion  reached  the second place in
the democompo, and for that they got
the  amazing  prize of 40 disks.  We
asked the coder of the demo (Blazer)
,if he was satisfied with the prize?

-  NOOO,  I  am  not...  This is the
absolutely  lamest party I have been
to.   The  staff  did not decide the
prices  before  after the compo.  If
it  was a group they liked they gave
them  a  high  prize.   If  it was a
group  that  they  didn't  like, for
example  us,  they gave a low prize.
This  is so unfair that I don't know
wether   I should cry or laugh.  The
winning  demo  got  1000  NOK.  If I
sold  my disks I would get among 150
NOK.   The  first  prize is about 10
times as high as the second prize.

*  If  you  had known the prices had
you released your demo ?

No,  I had not.  I would have stayed
at  home  and  not  even giving this
party a chance.

*  Did  you  complain  about the low
Prize ?

Yes  I  did , but the arrangers said
that  they couldn't afford to give a
higher  prize.   They had to pay for
the  school and so on.  I guess that
all the people who was arranging the
party could at least put 1000 NOK in
their pockets afterwards.

*  Another  subject!  Why did Motion
draw logos all over the town ?

I  think this is brand fun.  We like
to be a bit grazy and different from
other groups.

*  Did  you  know that your demo has
several bugs.

Oops, He had to leave for the train.
we wish Blazer the best of luck with
his demo coding and hope he can come
back  and  win a BIG prize on a soon
coming party.

Razor 1991 and Imp 666  - Opinions  

Mr. Hyde / Andromeda

This   party  was  quite  funny.   I
actually liked  it  better  than the
Amega  party.   I  thought  that the
Amega  party  was quite boring.  But
this one was funny!

BTW,  Would  you  like  to have some
sugar! (internal joke!)

 Pal / Razor 1911
I   know   that  I  am  one  of  the
responsible  for  this party.  But I
have  to  be  honest.   I think this
party  was  a  BIG  mistake.  We had
planned   a  better  party,  but  of
several  reason this did not happen.
We had hoped that more people should
come.   We  had  calculated  with  a
amount between 300 and 400, but only
200  arrived.   We  are  risking  to
loose  money on this party.  I agree
with  all  who  says that this party
was a disaster.

Phonebilly/ D-tect
This  was  not  as good as expected.
Too  many  local lamers. Now I can't
wait  to  travel  to  the  party  in
Denmark  in X-mas..  That party will
be the party of the year.

Kingpin / New Wave
If  it  hadn't been for Joey/Imp 666
the  party  would  be fine.  He just
fucked me off everytime I saw him.

Bushman / New Wave
The  party was OK, but too noisy.  I
would rather prefer to be at a quiet
place.   Like  together with Mum and
Dad a saturday evening.


Ok, that was some different opinions
from  the  party.  This was the last
article from this party.

Lord Helmet