Party Review for Elicma & Exort & Byte-Busters Party 91

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downloadI.C.E. 5
Amphetamine - Antibyte - Anvil - ...
added 3/94

27th of July 1991 , half past seven in    We  get  into  the car and  start  the
the morn ... An  unbelievable noise is    journey to the   Exort/Elicma-Party   in a
making my head feel like being treated    german town  called    Papenburg  . During
with a  pneumatic clock is    the journey I'm reading a Clive Barker
ringing and I'm immediatly falling out    Book,TRM is  watching the girls in the
of my  bed  and I am  crawling to  the    cars  passing by and Leo is  trying to
bathroom. Half  past  eight ... TRM is    concentrate on the  street. Two  and a
ringing on the door.We go to the super    half ours later we  arrive in the town
market where we buy some stuff to sur-    and start searching for the partyplace
vive the day ... some tins of coke and    After driving 20  minutes along a road
some chocolate cookies ... for extreme    without any  curves we find the party-
situations while the journey. We go to    place in form of a  hotel. We park the
my flat where we  watch some videos to    car  and go in,where we meet Anvil. He
get over the time waiting for Leo.Some    arrived there four hours before us and
time later Leo arrives a bit    delayed.      is one of the few people being present

    in the  party-room. The  room  was big    and looked around...No  known group to
enough and there were many  tables and    be seen anywhere.Well,later we thought
chairs. There  was  also a  restaurant    and after some  time as the  room  got
where you could buy  drinks and snacks    filled up a bit more our other members
for low prices. A nerving  Amiga-Sound    Mage,Weaponmaster and Nephilim arrived
was  playing and so we went out to the    We were  complete now  and now we also
car,where we chatted a while. There we    saw  some  known groups  like    Sanity,  
saw the first group  that we heard of.      Frantic ,Crusaders ,United Forces  and  
It was   Defcon 1   arriving at the party-    some more. There were also    three C64-  
place. Later we went in again with our      guys   there who seemed to be very alone
computer-stuff and  after waiting in a    The Party was   boring    because the only
little  queue,paying ˝76 DM Entrance-fee      action there were guys playing Tetris,
and getting a sign  burned in the hand    watching  stoneold demos and trying to
to make the  organizers  know that you    code something...Woow,cool!! It didn't
have  already paid we put up our Amiga    take much  time to  get a  headache of
  all the boring  musics in the room. So    the room....Nothing  else!! Some  time
me and TRM went out to  get some fresh    later we went out  again to the Snack-
air into the  lungs. We  already heard    Bar and we bought some Pommes Frittes.
of the  ugly Pseudo-Hamburgers  called    We ate  them on the  street ... a very
  Papenburgers   sold in the Snack-Bar and    clean street in a  very clean city,but
we went  there to  have a  look,but we    no trashcans. While  we were  standing
were not hungry enough and went to the    there a car  passed us with  some guys
car,where we  had warm  coke to  drink    who were looking as if we did sumthing
and melting Cookies to eat.From a room    illegal ...... strange town !! When we
in the first floor the sound of a cool    finished eating we threw our  trash in
Sepultura-Album was coming...The first    a mailbox (no trashcans anywhere!) and
cool thing that day!! But there  still    went back in.Still not much action.But
was not much action.Some guys were now    soon it was time for the competitions.
inserting  their names in the  Travel-    First the    Democompetition:   The  demos
Log,that  was  put up in the  front of    were shown on a very small Monitor and

  it was  really  boring  looking at the    where we met Guardian of Crusaders and
same  routines for  more than  half an    Tiger of UFO. While we were chatting a
hour (3 times silly Paralaxes and Bob-      police-car   arrived because there was a
Flags). The first price(there was only    little accident.Time for a little joke
a first price!)  went to   TET   for their    we thought and ran to the  party-room.
Melted Experience-Demo. Next up....the    "  The cops  are here!  " we  shouted  and
  GFX-Competition.   I saw  nearly nothing    soon the first  guys were  running out
on the  small  Monitor and as my  eyes    of the room in panic...Ha,fooled you!!
started to  hurt I  went to the  other    After that silly joke we  soon found a
guys sitting in the  back of the room.    big white wall ... Yeah,that's what we
When the Music Competition was running    need !!   Nephilim  painted a big Cytax-  
we just heard some  noise in the  room      Logo to the  wall   and some time  later
and  later we  heard  that  the  first    there was  also a "  Krosaders  "-Logo. It
price  went to  TET and  Sanity. After    was time to  leave. We took a  look at
that Flop TRM  and me went out  again,    the  Travel Log ... about 90 Guys have

  inserted  their  names,but  there were    we had to leave. So we  headed towards
about 100 to 150 guys  present. We put    Hamburg and listened to a really silly
our  computer in the  car and  chatted    radio-program (even Modern Talking was
with some guys. They were  waiting for    playing!).Between one and two 'o clock
Mr.Mad of  UFO. The  last  thing  they    I was  back in my  room. I  could have
heard of him was that he wanted to eat    made a lot more on that day than being
a   Papenbuger   (Suicide?).   We thought he    on that boring party..but that's life!
was dead,but soon he arrived with some    Soon I closed my eyes  and fell into a
other guys and told us that he found a    deep sleep with  nightmares of  Partys
place with  some  carousels and  stuff    and Papenburgers....Really horrible!!!
like that  where he stole a  Beerglass
and  rode  on a  mini-motorbike  while               (Amphetamine/Cytax)
everybody was  watching him (He seemed
pretty happy!). We wanted to visit the
place too but time was running low and


Geschrieben von Wave & Einstein/THE ELECTRIC TOUCH  

  DATUM:   27.7.91                            Butcher/COMA  sagte,  W‰re  die letzte
                                            ELICMA  PARTY   ein grofler Flop gewesen.
  TAG :   SAMSTAG                             Nun  ja, wir entschieden uns letztlich
                                          doch   zu   fahren,   weil  wir  einen
  ORT :   PAPENBURG                           releasungs-  grund (  sg:   Cool Word) f¸r
                                          unsere   erste   gute   Demo   (  MELTED  
  HALLE:   HOTEL HILLING                        EXPERIENCE  )   brauchten.   Nach  einer
                                          strapazierenden  Suche  (die Karte war
Als  ich  (  Wave/TET  )  eines Tages eine    nicht  die beste) kamen wir endlich an
Einladung  in  meinem  Briefkasten von    der  Hotelhalle  an.  Die Halle selbst
einer    EXORT/ELICMA  PARTY   fand, wuflte    war  angenehm  grofl  und insgesamt gut
Ich  zun‰chst  nicht  was  ich von ihr    als  "PARTYPLACE"  zu  gebrauchen.  Es
halten   sollte,   denn  wie  mir  Mad    waren  knapp  80  Leute  da,  als  wir

    eintrafen:    EXORT   (Hi Damion) &   ELICMA      wurde  kopiert  (legal ?)   VISUAL DREAM  
(Logisch  nich ?),  SANITY   (Yoho Chaos),    von    CROMEX    wurde released (cool) und
  CYTAX    (Hi  Leo),    TOXIC TRACKS  ,   ANNOY      wir  brachten die erste ausgabe von MC
(Hello  Teddy),    CROMEX    (Nice  Demo),    DISK  und  nart¸rlich  unsere  "MELTED
  TREACL,       FLASHING   BYTES,  HYSTERIC,      EXPERIENCE"  mit.  W‰hrend  der ganzen
  CRACKING   BOYS,  ANARCHY,  ABYSS    (Hi    Party   lief   der     I.C.E.   Travelog  
Scyte),     PRECISE,   THE   SPICE    (Yop    Rechner,  an  dem sich jeder eintragen
D.E.L),     XENOX     (Yoho  Lord  Becks),    konnte  der anwesend war. Wen ich hier
  TRYGON    (Sorry  lost ya name)   TENSION,      vergessen habe der wird sich (falls er
  MEXX      und   einige   andere...   Der    sich  eingetragen  hat) wahrscheinlich
Eintrittspreis    lag    bei    6   DM    im  ICE  Bericht wiederfinden. Als man
(Angemeldet)  und 10 DM (Unangemeldet)    alle  Leute  kannte  und alles kopiert
und  somit  im Durchschnitt. Es wurden    hatte  kehrte  erstmal  Ruhe  ein.  Es
viele      Packs      gemacht      und    wurde   an   neuen  Packs  gearbeitet,
herausgebracht.  Das  Preview von DP 4    gecodet   oder  einfach  nur  geredet.

    Chaos/SANITY   wollte mir den neuen Code    Bei  der  GFX  Competition  wurde  ein
f¸r   DISC   zeigen, doch irgendwie hatten    wenig geschlampt, denn unsere disk mit
wir  beide  genug  zu tun und haben es    den  Bildern  wurde  verlegt und wurde
verschlampt. Nach einer Weile wurde es    bisher nicht wiedergefunden. Da wir es
ein wenig Langweilig weil alle auf die    nicht  mehr  bei hatten muflten wir ein
Competitions       warteten.       Zur    anderes   Bild   abgeben   (SHIT).(Wir
Democompetition    wurden   11   Demos    h‰tten  sonst  den  1.  gemacht (glaub
abgegeben.                                ich))

  GEWINNER:       1.(100  DM)  TET  - MELTED      GEWINNER:     1. (40 DM) AGNOSTIC FRONT
            EXPERIENCE                              2. (0  DM)  ERNIE  OF  TET
            2.(0 DM) CROMEX - VISUAL                3. (0 DM) PANIC
            3.(0 DM) PRECISE - M.DEMO

    Bei  der  Soundcompetition  wurden  22    TRINKEN)  waren  ok.  W‰ren mehr Leute
Module abgegeben.                         gekommen,(wenigstens   die,  die  sich
                                          angek¸ndigt haben) dann w‰re die Party
                                          sehr gut geworden. Aber auch so bleibt
  ˇbGEWINNER:      1. (JE 20 DM) WAVE OF TET      unter dem Schnitt :    EINE GUTE PARTY
           + JESTER OF SANITY
           2. (0 DM) ???
           3. (0 DM) ???

  Bis  auf  einige kleine Patzer (unsere
GFX  disk)  war die Party gut !!!. Man
merkte, dafl sich einige Leute M¸he mit
der Organisation gemacht haben (Damion
OF  E.O.C  !) auch die Preise (ESSEN +