Inteview with Mike

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downloadZine 5
on Alcatraz Pentcost Party
Axel - Big Al - Bleris - ...
added 12/05
-----------------------------     #
MIKE/VF was interviewed by CHESTER#
1. Please introduce yourself!     #
My  name is Mike and I am a VISION#
FACTORY   member  since  1988.  VF#
asked  me  to  join  them.  I'm an#
Original  Supplier  and  sometimes#
Organizer and live near Trier/West#
Germany.                          #
2. There  were  rumours  around VF#
   that they are dead and a lot of#
   other ones. Tell us about them.#
There  is nothing true about them.#
ONYX  is  still with us. It's true#
that  we  wanted  to  change   our#
name,  the  new  group  would have#
been called Damage.  But we didn't#
do  that because one member bought#
VF gifts for 9000.- DM.           #
3. Why did you want to change your#
   name at all?                   #
Because of problems  with  police.#
4. Tell us the boards from VF.    #
One  in  Germany  and  one in USA.#
5. How  many  productions  does VF#
   release per week.              #
That  depends  upon  the supply of#
originals.                        #
6. How  much  do  you  pay  for an#
   original?                      #
Sometimes nothing, sometimes up to#
the  normal  price  you would also#
pay in the shops.                 #
7. How  do  you get  originals  so#
   fast?                          #
I know the right people.          #
8. Please  tell  us  a  little bit#
   more about it!                 #
No! (He is laughing...)           #
9. Why?   Do   you  get  originals#
   direct from the Softwarehouses?#
For  some  Original Suppliers that#
is  right,  sometimes.  I get them#
from otherones.                   #
10.What about STORM,the aggressive#
   behaviour?                     #
I know the guy. He should stop the#
bull-shit!  Nothing  more  to  say#
about that!                       #
11.Rank  yourself  in the cracking#
   charts.                        #
VF: Normaly  we  are No.1,  but in#
the  last  time  we didn't release#
too  much!  At  this  moment  No.2#
M.A.D: That's  a  cool group. Very#
much productions, No.1            #
Paranoimia: Going to be bader, not#
enought releases... No.3          #
Tristar: Much releases... No.4    #
Quartex: Same as Paranoimia.  No.5#
12.Do you get lazy?               #
No, not at all. We  will  continue#
our work.                         #
While  we  (Mike & Chester) sat in#
the   restaurant ,   two   Tristar#
members   ( Beermacht  &  Malzan )#
joined  our  discussion.  So, they#
wanted   to   give  answers,  too.#
Vision Factory  is VF, and TRISTAR#
is TRI.                           #
12.What   is  your  opinion  about#
   demos?                         #
VF: Some  are  good. New ideas are#
missing.                          #
TRI: Good ones are good.          #
13.List  me  your  favorite  Demo-#
   groups!                        #
VF+TRI: RED SECTOR  (They all said#
this  very loudly because IRATA of#
RSI   was  sitting  near  us,  but#
nothing  has happened...), SCOOPEX#
Finland,  FAIRLIGHT and some other#
ones...                           #
14.What  do  you  know  about WILD#
   COPPER?                        #
VF: They live in Metz, their Soft-#
wareshop  calls  Tecsoft.  I don't#
know  what  they  are doing at the#
moment.                           #
TRI (Malzan): Don't  know  them...#
TRI (Beermacht): I  know them, but#
don't  ask me what they are doing.#
    (continues on next article...)#
(...continued from last article)  #
15.Illusion isn't a part of VISION#
   FACTORY?                       #
No,  I  don't  know  what they are#
doing at the moment.              #
16.Compare Demos with Cracks, what#
   gives  more fun,  work, etc. to#
   you?                           #
VF: Cracking is harder than coding#
demos.  But  demos  and cracks are#
both a lot of  fun,  if  they  are#
good.                             #
TRI (Beermacht): I  have got about#
3  hours  for one crack. But until#
the  whole game is working, that's#
the hard thing. You know,the bugs!#
17.What's  the  favorite food of a#
   Member?                        #
VF: Pizzas...                     #
TRI: We only drink beer...        #
18.How  long  do  you sit in front#
   of your computer per day?      #
VF: 6-7 hours (not every day)     #
TRI: 2-8 hours                    #
19.If  you  were  not  a member of#
   would you be?                  #
VF: TRISTAR                       #
TRI: VISION FACTORY               #
20.When did you bought your AMIGA?#
VF: I  have  found  him (her?) two#
years ago.                        #
TRI: 2.5 years. I've found IT (not#
him or her!)  somewhere   in   the#
wood.                             #
21.What  are  your  opinions about#
trainercrews?                     #
VF+TRI: If  the  group  can not do#
something other, it's okay.       #
The  idea  of  producing  Trainers#
is  good,  you  can play the whole#
game.                             #
22.Favorite cracks and demos?     #
CRACKS: (after a long silence)    #
VF: Dragons Lair / Quartex        #
TRI: Rings of Med. / M.A.D        #
DEMOS:                            #
VF: RSI CeBit+MegaDemo, Dragons...#
TRI: The  same  and  Kefrens MD 8,#
Silents MD...                     #
23.What about ZINE?               #
VF: I  think  CJ  is at the moment#
still  No.1, but ZINE and DISC are#
following.                        #
TRI: I  don't  like  to scroll the#
articles  in  ZINE  and I like the#
whole  old  design  of the CJ very#
much.  I guess that CJ is still at#
the  top.  I  have  sawn a diskmag#
from  the Link, that wasn't bad at#
all.  ZINE, DISC and all other new#
mags  are  all  the  same, I don't#
like  them  too much. But don't be#
angry,  that  is  only my opinion.#
24.I'm  not angry, because none is#
interessted  in your opinion (that#
should  be  a  joke!). What do you#
think  about  the  German   scene?#
TRI: For  us  (Malzan & Beermacht)#
Quartex  and Paranoimia are lamer-#
groups,  because they do their job#
only  for mony, we in Tristar just#
for fun...                        #
VF: No  comment,  but  I  have   a#
little  bit  the same opinion like#
Tristar...                        #
25.Any problems with police?      #
VF: No problems.                  #
TRI: So had we!                   #
26.What are you future plans?     #
VF: More  cracks,  more  fun, more#
sun...                            #
TRI: Getting  stoned  every   day,#
vormit on the floor, fucking, gore#
away - that's it!                 #
Thanks for these nice answers.    #
CHESTER/BRS                       #