Inteview with N.O.M.A.D

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Havok - Jester - Judge Drokk - ...
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                          INTERVIEW WITH N.O.M.A.D. OF

 SD: Yo Marc!!
 ND: Hi Col

 SD: How old are you?
 ND: ummm 23

 SD: How long have you had your Amiga?
 ND: What?  the Amiga!!!,  1  year  10

 SD: What's  your  marriage  status ?
 ND: Single,  but  getting  it !

 SD: Why  do  you use  Action Replay?
 ND: Its got  an easy to use monitor,
     but  cracking is an art,  Action
     Replay  does NOT ' CRACK' games.

 SD: Do you have a fave game?
 ND: Dungeon Master.

 SD: Fave musician?
 ND: 4-Mat of Anarchy

SD: What's  your  taste in  real music?
ND: Pink Floyd,  Bon Jovi ( most  metal

SD: Why did you join Scoopex?
ND: They're  an organised  group  and I
    thought  I  was  gonna  get  all my
    bills paid!!!  hehehe!  only joking

SD: How many members does  Scoopex have?
ND: Worldwide we have 20

SD: Why is Electra so lame?
ND: He isn't lame. He's just talks
    S H I T !!!

SD: What's your fave mag?
ND: The One.

SD: What do you do when the Scoopex mob
    aren't  hassling  you for  cracks ?
ND: Well, I go out and find some  FANNY

SD: What do you think to this show?
ND: Totally and utterly CRAP!!

SD: Do you get paid to crack?
ND: NO!!

SD: Do you prefer to code or crack?
ND: Code.

SD: Why is Spreader so lame? (Ed.Joke!)
ND: Because ummm!? I dunno! He's bigger
    than me,  ask  me  another  time  !

SD: Why is the scene so lame?
ND: It's not (Except Electra).

SD: Do  you  think  that  modems  have
    killed  the  art  of  being  elite?
ND: Yes,  a  new game has a life of 4-6
    hours, with trainers (and NO credit
    for  the  cracker usually)  only  8

SD: If offered would  you write a game?
ND: Yes! and I am doing so.

SD: Do  you  prefer  sex  or  cracking?
ND: Both!   They have  the same 'high'.
SD: Thanks for the interview.
   Interview carried out at bar 12 of
   the CES show by Jester/Stolen Data.