Release Review for Pastoral Letter II

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downloadFourth Dimension 1Diskmagazine
Bimbex - Blackstar - DJ B-Eat - ...
added 2/94
  * * *  PASTORAL LETTER II  * * *     
Group: STORM                           
Coding: Elite                          
Music: M                               
Graphics: ????
This is the latest demo from STORM!  It
features  a logo,  which  is  the  main 
attraction  for  this  demo.  It  keeps 
spinning  around  in  different curves,
and  from time to time some bobs appear
on the screen.  The  whole  thing has a
quite nice  pattern in appearing and in
disappearing, you seem to  want to look
just a  little bit  longer on the demo!
I was  pleased with this demo , even if
it  didn't  set  any  new  standards in
Amiga programming.  The music was nice,
pleasant  and  adds a  whole lot to the
demo.  As I said.... Not revolutionary,
but good!
Coding: 56%
Graphics: 24%
Music: 80%
Originality: 58%
Overall: 63%