Release Review for Toyzareus

found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadCompass 1Diskmagazine
4t Thieves - Archmage - Arrow - ...
added 2/95
At  only  20  votes  away  from D, the
french   dreamers   strike  back  with
another     cute    intro,    entitled
Toyzareus!   The intro starts off with
a  cute title picture of a funny bear,
which  immediately  prepares you for a
trip  into the world of cute graphics!
The text writer parts feature a little
light  sourced  vector  star,  and the
links  between  the  various parts are
accomplished   with  the  aid  of  the
infamous flying vector plane.

Dreamdealers also managed to include a
BBS info part with flying vector cubes
disengaging themselves from what looks
like a zoomed cute little dino!

What  really  cuts Toyzareus above the
rest  are  the infamous gouraud shaded
vectors,  which are so much used in PC
vector  games,  but  so  rare  on  the
Amiga.   Actually this seems to be the
first  time  that  gouraud vectors are
featured in a scene production...  too
bad   that   the   objects   are  only
restricted  to simple cubes, but on an
A1200, they are really fast!

The  credits  part  is  presented in a
very  stylish  way  with arrows moving
left, right and centre while the names
of the producers scroll by!

The  intro  finally ends with a vector
shaped  heart  object  rotating in the
middle of the screen.

Toyzareus  is  another  little quality
production  that  lives up to the name
of  DreamDealers.   Redlight has to be
highly  credited  for  introducing the
gouraud  shaded  vectors in the scene,
and we're afraid that this is only the
start   of  a  new  mania...   Do  you
remember,  some  years  ago,  the then
mouth watering glenz vectors?!

Zebig  seems  to specialise in drawing
little  cute  figures,  and  these are
always  of  an  extra  aid to create a
certain  design  which  cuts  it's way
from  the  so much imitated Melon one!
The  tune by Reflex helps immensely to
add the final touch of cutesy!

       Code: 8/10
   Graphics: 8/10
     Design: 8/10
      Music: 7/10
Originality: 7/10