Release Review for The Honeycomb

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added 2/99
     HONEYCOMB slideshow by TRSI

Gfx by Fiver
Sound by Virgill

And so we come to the second slideshow
by  TRSI.  This one comes from Germany
and  is  filled  up  with  artworks by
FIVER  (read the interview with him in
this issue), one of the most promising
artists  of  the last months.  To tell
the  truth, HONEYCOMB isn't that good,
especially  because  it  features also
non-aga  pictures  that  were drawn in
the  past  and that clearly show their
age.   If we except most of them, then
we  got  a  few but good aga pictures,
like 'Plastic Scream' which are really
worth  a look.  All in all, an average
production  that  the  three  tunes by
Virgill maybe help in raising from his