Party Review for Somewhere In Holland 94

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downloads42 2Diskmagazine
Boo - Chorus - Cindy - ...
added 2/95
Somewhere In Holland 2
AmiCon94 Cancelled!

   The   Amiga  party  SIH2/AmiCon'94,
organised  by  Spaceballs  and Reality
was  cancelled.   It  was ment to take
place  from  the 9th until the 11th of
July 1994, but it won't.

   The reason for cancelling the party
was  that  the  organisation  couldn't
bring  up the advance payments for the
hall,  as a result of sponsors pulling
   The  sponsors pulled out because of
the  liquidation  of  Commodore and C=
not  willing  to  talk  about a buyout
yet.   Sponsor  money  was  needed  to
reserve the hall where the party would
have taken place, the hall should have
been payed last monday.

   There  is no other party planned by
Spaceballs and/or Reality yet.