Release Review for Compass 1

found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadHeadline 2Diskmagazine
Stone Arts
BCR - Beyonder - Braintumour - ...
added 6/95

Publishing group..............Alcatraz
Main editors...............Disney, Mop

   The  team responsible for the late
    McDisk  seem  to  have  made a new
diskmagazine.  The design is very nice
with   a   simple,   yet   well  drawn
menupanel.   The colours are also well
chosen.   The  articles  which basicly
are  written  by Mop are well written,
but   perhaps  slightly  boring.   The
subjects  brought up are original, but
not  suitable  for the masses, sort of
speak.   The  design  and  the code of
Compass   balances  one  a  fine  line
between  a  rip-off of the late Zine's
11th   issue  and  a  mere  source  of
inspiration    from    the   mentioned
diskmagazine.  Compass seems to be one
of  the  best newcomers in the diskmag
scene,   and   with   the  hardworking
maineditors  responsible  for  most of
the  articles  - it can most certainly
be expected to last.