Inteview with Facet

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Dolphin:   Please start by introducing

Facet:  I'm A quite normal person with
a normal looking haircut and smoking a
Marlboro  cigarette (just a few a day)
I tried to stop but there is no reason
NOT  smoking.   The  smoking ones will
understand.     I'm   'studying'   for
ART-teacher   on  a  huge  school  for
teachers.   I'm from the year 1974, so
that  makes  me 20 within a few weeks.
To   curve   it   down   to  my  scene
activities,  I have periods in which I
draw   a  lot.   And  when  I'm  in  a
negative-period,  I'm  doing  music or
other  hobby-things.   My  motivations
for  doing  graphics  are  the persons
around   me   that   keep  me  on  the
scene-track.   Also  other artists as-
well  Amiga-artist  as paper-artist do
motivate  me.   And  at last I want to
tell   what   I  really  hate..   read
carefully   because   you   can  learn
something  here.   To  make a sensible
scetch  of  a  person, you must get to
know   this  person  before  screaming
unfair   facts.   And  have  you  ever
noticed that a person is observed more
carefull  when  this person is 'in the
picture'.   Can  it  then maybe happen
that  you,  a then subjective-thinking
individul,  CAN  harm  this person you
think   so   easy  of.   Five  million
flowers  in  a field..  And what makes
one  flower think that he is more than
the others?

Dolphin:   How  much time do you spend
on a full-screen picture?

Facet:   Normally it doesn't take more
than  one  evening.   Then  you have a
picture  that  is  unoptimized but OK.
To make it more OK will take me two or
three  evenings.  So it will take me a
small  week.   And it's not normal for
me  to  work  only  on a picture.  I'm
usually  working  on  several  things.
That is for not loosing interest in my
own  work.   But  to give you a better
view   on  the  time-spend-on-graphics
I'll   give   you  a  little  list  of

Hardcore-dragon   : 4 days
In the kichen     : 6 days 
40kb intro-rat    : one evening
Groovy-sigar-man  : 5 days
Rink-a-dink       : 2 days (co-op with
Funky divas       : 5 days
Eurochartdesign#24: 7 days
AarsCompopicture  : 7/8 days
Logos             : 2 days
Fonts             : a few hour or less

I'm  not  drawing  24  hours a day but
with  last-minute graphics I sometimes
do.   You  can also devide the spended
time  in  three  periods.   First  you
start  and  have the feeling:  This is
going  to be good..  then after seeing
it   after  a  period  you  feel  less
motiveted to finish or continue on it.
(it's  not  looking the way you though
it was looking) On this point you can,
start   something   new   or  you  can
continue  and optimize the ugly parts.
If  you  continue  then,  normally I'm
finishing  it  within  a week.  If not
then it can end up like this FACET:DP/
Graphics/Lost.../(S)-qhghz1  (never do
real  names  when  I'm  working  on  a
beginning project)

Dolphin:    Where   do  you  get  your
inspiration?    Do   you   copy   from
allready exisisting pictures or do you
always use your own imagination?

Facet:   I  often  use  photos  to  be
usefull  for  my amiga-graphics.  Like
all  commercial artists.  Normally the
pictures  I  draw are not a conversion
of the photo but an inspirationsource.
I also find it amusing to convert non-
coloured   scetches  and  non-finished
drawings and color them or finish them
on Amiga.  But usually if I want to be
finished fast I copy directly from the
photo/original.   And  I'm not feeling
guilty  toward  the girl on the photo.
We also know 95% from all the pictures
on  Amiga  are  not  from  the  Amiga-
artist's  mind.   And if you ask me...
get   real..   you  complaining  kidz!
It's  a  hobby  and not a company with
laws  and  rules.  Do what you have to
do  and  stop screaming in the ears of
people that ARE doing something nice!
Dolphin:   Have  you ever been tempted
to use a digitizer?

Facet:   In  whole  my  carreer I have
never  used  any other form of drawing
than my mouse.  Sometimes , when I see
digitized pictures I feel hungry.  And
if  I  wouldn't  believe  (for myself)
that   I  can  give  amiga-graphics  a
better touch than a digitizer, I would
grab one at once.

Dolphin:   How  many 8*8 fontsets have
you ever painted in your life?  Do you
plan on painting any more of them?

Facet:    My   first   ever   released
graphics  was  a 16*16 fontset (Vision
megademo  2)  and  I always LIKE doing
them.   On my harddisk (and that's all
I  have)  I have 6 8*8 fonts.  But I'm
sure  I've  done  plenty  more  (about
20/30).   In the past few months I did
only  one  new  font  (med-res 32*73 8
colors).   And to answer your question
conrectly..'drawn  in  life'.   If you
would   count   the  times  I'm  doing
'in-head-fontsets'  then it would have
been hundreds.  Normal amiga-artist, I
feel  one  of,  are doing graphics all
day    (if    they    are    not   too
un-motivated).   I  have caught myself
lots  of  times  when I was looking at
the  nature,  faces,  skylines  that I
pixel  them  down to 320*256..  What a
fantastic invention is AGA...  ?!?

Dolphin:  Please mention some pictures
from other graphicians which you think
deserves your respect!
Facet:  I think it's more fair for the
Artist to be mentioned by name than by
picture...   Now  I'll name the guys I
adore, look up to, have wet dreams by,
feel more than just..  ...  just..

      - H A L L  O F   F A M E -

Color,TMB Design,Alex and Mack (though
his personallity).

Dolphin:   Do  you  think  it's easily
spotted  if someone digitize a picture
and     then    participate    in    a

Facet:   Well,I  think  that  the ones
that  are digitizing are also aware of
the  spottings  chance  so they easily
re-do  the color-mixes and everbody is
in   the   status..    'It   could  be
digitized'  but..   'it  could also be
drawn'..   And  every digitizer-artist
takes  advantage of that certain human
weakness..   An  amiga artist is in my
opinion   only   working  fairly  with
digitizing  when  this  certain person
CAN  produce the same quality with his


Dolphin:   Now ask yourself a question
and answer it!

Facet:  Do you think the common use of
toilet-paper  is  a  neglected fact in

Facet:   I  think  the  form  in which
toilet-paper  is  used normally is not
in  any form neglected.  It could have
been,  if  you see it through the eyes
of  a  tree.  Therfor we first have to
seperate  truth  and lies.  To do that
we  have to know what really truth is.
Truth  is that what we feel, hear, see
and  smell.   If  we could communicate
the way we think life would be easier.
Lies  wouldn't  have a chance.  And as
William   Parker   once  told  us:   A
negative   subsitution  has  a  better
oposite   side   than   the   positive
subsitution.    To  get  back  to  our
problem,  truth  and lies.  The normal
taken  truth can and will relie on the
negative  facts  that we all withness.
Also   the  lies  taken  from  certain
subsitutes  makes  us  not  believe in
what  see  as  negative  feelings.  To
express  those  feelings  it is harder
than the oposite sides of that certain
negative feelings.

And  to finally deal with some motion-
and feeling-less smart asses..

-To  be aware of being more is not the
meaning of YOU being on this planet.

                   -Leiha Koqstaka '54

used for this interview:
3 cigaretts (marlboro)
2 cd's : Larry Carlton
         Norman Brown
  (Lets go to bed music!)
1 liter of strawberry-yoghurt
1 Amiga 1200
4 cups of tea
1 Digitizer
1 telephone conversation with

     THE END!×