Party Review for Bergen Party 90

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Bimbex - Dr. No - Eko - ...
added 8/94
Bergen party
                   T H E   B E R G E N - P A R T Y 

I don't know  whether or not you no-   people.  A seperate hall for sleeping
ticed, but -  in the shadows  of the   was  located  just  few  metres away.  
RSI party in  Denmark,  another par-   A 24hr snack-bar  in the hall was not
ty was arranged  in  Bergen, Norway.   a bad idea.  A  projector for showing
The   party   was   planned  several   the demos  on  a  50"  screen was set
months  in  advance,   but since the   up. (More about the projector later.)
party  was  to  be arranged in a mu-   
nicipal  hall,  the  final  date  to   The price you  had  to  pay for this, 
arrange  the  party  was cleared too   was  NKr. 150,-  (Not too much, real-
late to  avoid  a  collision between   ly...)  The party was a combined C64,
the  parties.   The arranging groups   AMIGA and ARCHIMEDES party.  The 64's
were FULL FORCE (as the main arrang-   were yet dominating the party.
BROTHERS IN ARM,   SCIENCE 451   and   Well, over to the story... 
CRYPTOBURNERS.   That is,  a  lot of   In the beginning  CRB  had planned to 
arrangers!   Another  thing that has   go to the  party  in  Denmark.  But -
to be said,  is  that FULL FORCE has   unfortunate  circumstances  forced us 
done a hell of a  job  by  arranging   to stay home in  Norway.  On the 25th
this party.  E.g. the party-locals -   of June,  the  participating  members
Bergenshallen  to be more exact - is   of  Cryptoburners  arrived in Bergen.
a hall that  could  easily room 1000   Tec,  Jackmix  and  Vectorman were to 

stay  at   Heatseekers  place  until   Cryptoburners/Razor arranged a music-
party-time.    Poor  guys......(???)   competition at the party. We recieved
Blackstar,  Trixal   and  Windwalker   quite a few  contributions.  The jury
stayed  at  my  place. The days were   had no  problems choosing the winner.
mostly  nights  and  the nights were    
almost also nights.  (??!)  That is,    1. The Castle  by Shorty/Giants
we watched videos at night and slept    2. Skisport    by Alf/Gyrosoft
most of the day.  Most  of  us  did.    3. A song by Lars Hoff
(No comments??)  (I  am  now expres-   
sing myself  on  behalf  of the gang   The  demo-competition was arranged by
who lived at my place.)                Full Force,  BUT - Here came the pro-
                                       jector problems. During the C64 demo-
After  quite  a  funny  vorspiel  in   compo,  some quite intelligent people
the  city  centre  on  Thursday,  we   found  out  that  the red colour tone
were  ready  to  go  to the party on   had  disappeared.  It  hadn't  really 
Friday.   We  got  a  separate  room   been there at all! So the Amiga-compo
in the hall,  which was to be shared   was handed to a jury (CRB/RAZOR), who
between Razor 1911 and us.  From CRB   worked out this:
were the following  persons present:   
Bimbex,  Blackstar,  Jackmix,  Heat-    1. The Giants - Megademo
seeker, Tec,  Trixal,  Vectorman and    2. Network
Windwalker. From Razor 1911: Dr. No,    3. Armada         
Insane and Sector 9.