Inteview with Fairfax

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Stone Arts
BCR - Beyonder - Braintumour - ...
added 6/95



Dolphin:   Please start by introducing
yourself to the readers.

Fairfax:  As stated, my superhero-name
is  Fairfax  but  when  I  walk  among
mortal people I call myself:  Torkell.
At  the  time being I am working on an
Amiga  2000,  which my slideshow seems
not  to work properly on.  I have been
more   or   less  active  drawing  for
approx.   4  years.   My membership in
Andromeda  has  at  the present lasted
for 1 year and a couple of months, and
I  am  not  planning  to leave for any

Dolphin:   How  much time do you spend
on a full-screen picture?

Fairfax:   I normally spend about 2 to
3   weeks  on  a  major  picture,  but
sometimes   I   put   on   my  special
superhero-outfit  and  finish  them in
only  a  few  days.   After graduating
from  school,  this  seemed  to happen
very  frequently.  I seem almost never
to lose my inspiration.

Dolphin:    Where   do  you  get  your
inspiration?    Do   you   copy   from
allready exisisting pictures or do you
always use your own imagination?

Fairfax:   My inspiration comes from a
lot  of  places.   In the early days I
always  wanted  to  impress my friends
and family,but nowadays it takes a lot
before  they  even  look at what I do.
In  the beginning of my scene-career I
copied  much  from  Mark  Harrison and
some  others, but as the time moved on
I  started  to  mix  the  idea  of  an
already  drawn  picture  into  my  own
ideas.  Some pictures of mine are also
my  own  production,without any model.
I  have  also  taken some photos of my
friends  in  different  positions  and
added  them  to  a  background.   This
makes  it  a  lot  more  fun to make a
Dolphin:   Have  you ever been tempted
to use a digitizer?

Fairfax:   To  use a digitizer to make
computer-graphics  has  always  been a
deadly sin to me.  Taking credit for a
Digitized  picure in the sense of that
you have painted it, is something that
destroys some of the fun in the scene.
I  personally have never been an owner
of  a  digitizeer  or  a  scanner,  so
temptations   in  this  direction  has
never been a problem.

Dolphin:   How  many 8*8 fontsets have
you ever painted in your life?  Do you
plan on painting any more of them?

Fairfax:  I am glad to say that I have
not  drawn  more  than 3 or 4 8*8fonts
throughout  my  computerlife.  I guess
the font in Seven Seas was my last one
ever.   Drawing fonts is no fun at all
especially   when  you  have  finished
abcd.,,( Isn't that true everyone?  ).

Dolphin:  Please mention some pictures
from other graphicians which you think
deserves your respect!

Fairfax:   My  respect  is regarded to
the  following:  -The lo-res.  picture
by    Cougar    of   sanity   in   the
interference-demo.   This piece is the
best  no-AGA-lo-res picture maybe ever
made by a scene person.  - The girl in
wicked  Sensation  is  also one of the
best  pictures  in  lo-res.   made  by
Peachy  of  Masque.   -  The Dryads by
Archmage   of   Andromeda  is  also  a
picture  which  deserves  my  respect.
One of the best in 1993 I belive.  - I
also  think  that a picture drawn by a
certain       T'UAAN       at      the
graphics-competition  in  Herning this
christmas was very impressing.  When I
am   sitting  here  writing  with  the
feeling that I have forgotten someone.
But who cares....

Dolphin:   Do  you  think  it's easily
spotted  if someone digitize a picture
and  then  participate  in  a graphics

Fairfax:  Normally it is quite easy to
spot  a  scanned  picture, but this is
harder  on  a  1200  than  on  the old
Amiga.    This   will   especially  be
difficult  in graphics-competitions in
the  future,  something which is a sad

Dolphin:   Now ask yourself a question
and answer it!

Fairfax:    What   made  you  do  this
terrible  thing,  to  participate in a
hostile diskmag?

Torkell:   I am not Fairfax!  You must
be  mistaken,  I  am Torkell!  No, you
are  Fairfax,  no,  I  am telling you,
shut up you schizofrenic sack of shit,
you're  only  fooling yourself, no I'm
not,  yes  you  are,  no,  yes, no, n,

     THE END!×