Inteview with D-Mage
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Diskmagazine interviews | Equinox Chrome - Chuck - Dune - ... | a9/93 added 1/97 |
INTERVIEW WITH D-MAGE! Interview with D-MAGE OF VIRTUAL DREAMS/FAIRLIGHT -------------------------------------- Made for Equinox`s European Top 20! By Dylance O`Headway. E: ET20 D: D-Mage E:Welcome to my room. Ready for an interview? D:Certainly. I begin with introducing myself as I`m sure that your next question will be about it, won`t that? So, my real name is Ferenc Tompai. I am 20 years old pure Hungarian guy. I have average look, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose, 2 hands, 2 legs... I think nobody is interested in it. E:Let`s hear about your life in the scene! D:I have got my 1st computer (a Commodore plus 4!) in 1990, but soon changed for `64. I got interested in graphics after bored with games. I had been in several lame groups, but later together with local friends built up TKC. That group became one of the strongest in Hungary, released 2 demos, tons of cracks and hold the best party ever in our country. Later we got bored with the lame and lazy members who were hated by the others, too, but we could not kick them out, cause they were between the founders. So, we changed the name into Headway and took in the best of TKC. A party was held by us, again together with Faces that had a big success, so it will be repeated this summer! In 93`s January our Amiga section was formed and the `64 one quitted. Only the name kept the same, the group is quite changed compared to the first times. I began trying DPaint and my first drawings looked pretty. We made our first demo, called Victory, but I wanted to get more famous in a more attractive group, so finally joined my old dream`s (Fairlight) dmo section Virtual Dreams. E:That`s quite OK, but as far as I know VD has only Finnish members and you don`t live neither in Finland nor in Scandinavia! D:I think that just gives a safe to refuse the hundreds of self- appointed candidates -think are enough cool to join Virtual Dreams- on a peaceful way. You should know that Finnishes and Hungarians were a big family together ca. 3000 years ago! E:But, why didn't you join a Hungarian group, cause I know you LOVE your country as most people of this nation, do not you? D:Ofcourse, I do. But, just look around here! I know 2 groups only who earn to get mentioned. One of them is Headway, where I came from, the other is Absolute!. The second could be better or maybe one of the fucking best, cause they have several good and talented members, BUT they are wrong-organized and having tons of really lame members! E:And what about the others in Hungary? I know that the Hungarian scene was much better earlier. Lotsa famous groups were presenting and things were released... D:Ofcourse, I have got an opinion as this subject is what really hurts my mind. The Hungarian-problem has 2 components: 1.The scene nowadays and earlier are quite different here! I mean not only the groupnames, but the groups, the members, the functions, the mouths(!!) etc. etc. I know that here had been a kewl Amiga scene some years ago, and also a period when that`s groups died one after another. Almost all members quitted the scene, but have continued with computing (I mean making newspapers, games, projects for bigger firms, ray-tracing with BIG Amigas just for fun, but NOTHING for the scene) and keeping in touch with each other. That hasn`t been a problem, yet, but they STILL think they are the best, although they are unactive! If a new group came they have to lick for the `big ones` else e.g. they cannot win a democompo although they are the best on that! And just because they are newcomers (but maybe with BIGGER scene experience than others, cause they were on e.g. `64 scene before!!!) and have no contact with the `old big guys`. So, a newcomer group can manage 2 things, they leave the scene or SHIT for all others from the country! Or (but it`s a shame to mention at least!) they can lick themselves into the `big circle`. Phewww... I don`t wanna mention names here, everybody knows if I meant them, if they think it`s cool, I have nothing against them, but do not wait for reincarnation on this way! 2.The other thing is `the big fish eats smaller ones` problem. You know what group I mean... After that `dying period` I mentioned above, they ate all the smaller groups with a few exceptions. All groups could keep in themselves the germ of developement by their pretty small amount of members and good friendship, so everybody had the idea what to work for, to get important for friends! And the guys learnt drawing, coding etc. Then the invitation came and they joined that team and there were no more idea to work for. They were famous without working for that just because that big fish did not eat just the best parts, but every part of that group, also the lame and unactive members. So that fish became fat (too fat!) with no sense. Also that `fish-group` is really wrong organized. E.g. I know a local coder who is really talented and wants to be active and get friends from the group, but he said that there are no meetings, no phone-calls (if he calls the leader that says:`Please try next time, I have other things to do!`), he usually monthly gets a pack with scores and graphics and the date he has to be ready for. So, the talents have to quit, lick or be a part of an un-friendly machine. The Hungarian scene really sucks, but the country rules! E:Also their national 11 in football.. D:??? E:They beated Ireland in Dublin for 4:2 yesterday! D:Please, stay away with your silly mania! (football is NOT a silly mania!!! It's almost the best thing on earth-Jackpot) E:Ok, let`s relax(!?) with some brainstorming. D:Let`s go... E:Football! D:Please...No! (yes yes-Jackpot) E:Euro Top 20! D:Braun..(MTV Steal names-ed.) (joke-ed.) E:Post! D:Persons Of Small Tempo! E:Virtual Dreams/Fairlight! D:Hall of fame. E:Graphics! D:Myself. E:Let`s know your favourite... Graphician(s):Peachy, Suny, Cougar. Coder, cracker:I`m an artist, so I can`t value them. Musician(s): LizardKing, Nuke and everybody who does not make techno and has a good-own-style. Demogroup(s): Spaceballs, Sanity, Mad Elks. E:Do you use their (or others`) works as models? D:Ofcourse, as everybody (also real artists!) manages. Original ideas do not exist (or not too often) everything comes from other`s brain and it as hard to find who was the first with that idea as to get if the egg were earlier or the chicken. But, I don`t copy 100 percently, usually I change my models a bit and I use only that`s idea. E:Do you use anything to make the analog art into digital? D:No, of course I do not use any scanners or other things. That really destroys art, I like to use my eyes together with my mouse instead. E:When will we able to meet your art next time? D:Ofcourse in the coming VD/FLT productions. I would like to compete on the Phenomena party and some smaller conferences, too. E:Are you `only` graphician on scene? D:No, I`m also doing a few, but cool swapping with good friends. I think being on the scene would not have any sense if you had not got at least a few contacts like me. You have friends, enjoy yourself here and get the latest wares which is important if you want to improve your skills. E:By the way what about the mail-trading scene nowadays? D:That`s quite OK. I think the real, attractive guys from productive groups call themselves by rights. If you contact them you manage that with the risk of losing a disk. E:But what do you mean with disk-stealing then? D:Yep, we are at an important topic. I call a guy as disk-stealer if (s)he advertizes `100% answer` and `Friendship rules!`, but he does not answer for newcomers neither if they sent own and nice stuff nor if they wrote a long and friendly letter! That`s what I really hate and call disk-stealing. E:And what about lamers? Who is lame in your opinion? D:I have got many friends who are not interested in scene and are collecting only games. But, I cannot call them lamers, cause they have not got contact with the scene. Lotsa others are on the scene just for fun to get the latest stuff (I mean not only games!) and some friends, but they are not planning to make a carrier here, cause they have lotsa other interests, they are NOT lamers, too. E:OK-OK, but who IS lame then? D:Who calls himself elite without any backgrounds or who tells false things about the real elite just because enviness. E:Have you ever busted by the cops or the post? D:No, because I trade only legal wares and write my address only on the disk. I am not rich (only in soul), but I respect my contacts enough to save money for sending `em with full prized stamps. E:OK, I think we can close with these words which make you seemed as an angel (just joking). Wanna greet anybody? D:Ofcourse, all my friends and every productive guy on the scene. E:Any last words? D:Bye! E:Ciao! So, that was all about another new talent on the scene. Do you still think Amiga scene is dying? See you next time. ______________________________________