Party Review for The Gathering 1997
found in | Type | Author | Year |
Diskmagazine interviews | Darkage Azzaro - Black Dragon - Blaze - ... | a11/97 |
THE GATHERING '97 What went wrong? Written by Woober/Cannabis Again we are at The Gathering '97 and this time over 3000 people attended this year. Over 90% had a PC or another platform, only a few Amigas. First we had the Wild Compo, where there was a lot of videos which were shown. Some of them were pretty talented done, but HEY we are at a computer party. Only a few of the contributions were made on a computer, all others were videos. Then they have cut down the contributions and only played them for a few minutes. Even the best contributions were cut down; the rest was shown in full length. This was NOT a very tactic choice. Second, they put the multichannel and 4 channel music compo in one. Can someone explain why they did it? It's a big difference on quality with 4chn and multi- channel. Was it to save money? But in my opinion TG is a commercial party. And they have so many sponsors, that this should not be any problem. Third, the 64k intro competition was also merged together. It's a BIG fault, don't you think that it's a big difference to code an Amiga intro and a PC intro? Fourth, the network was very slow. Because of all those quake lamers. It should have been solved in another way with a section where they only had people who played quake on another line. Then they who didn't play quake could have had seperated lines for themself. And if someone on the seperated line would try quake they could insert the quake netline and play quake. If these faults are fixed the next TG it will be the best party EVER. TG this year was GOOD with major quality productions and afterall it was a well organized and good party worth to visit.