Invitation to Saturne Party 3 1996

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downloadKickdown 16Packdisk
Angelwings - Codac - Kestrel
added 5/99
                                 .oO   s A T U R N E   p A R T Y   96   Oo.     
                                         Chelles / 26-28 April 1996             
                              WHERE AND WHEN ?                                  
                              Like both our first parties, this one will take   
                              place in the Cultural Center of Chelles.          
                              This hall, situated in the East suburb of Paris,  
                              is quite new and diposes of all nice features     
                              for a good party (Phones, WC, FREE showers at     
                              proximity :)                                      
                              An highschool near the party place (about 100m)   
                              will be our sleeping room.                        
                              A bar will be open all three days long during the 
                              party with cheap eats'n'drinks for everybody.     
                              Big and free parking.                             
                              Please notice those dates: 26-27-28 of April 1996.
                              Beginning of the show the friday 26th at 10:00am, 
                              closing ceremony the sunday 28th around 2:00pm.   

                              Unfortunately, we won't be able to welcome people 
                              coming before this friday morning.                
                              Entrance fee is fixed to 120FF for all 3 days     
                              and for everybody (no paying in advance).         
                              Free for girlies !!! :)                           
                              We will accept only french currencies.            
                              Video equipment : Barco 5000, 6m * 4.5m giant     
                              Sound equipment : professional sound speekers with
                              10.000 Watts.                                     
                              As always, smoking, alcohol and drugs are strictly
                              forbidden inside the party place.                 
                              WHICH COMPETITIONS ?                              
                              * Amiga Demos                                     
                              You've got the choice between 2 machines :        
                               - A1200 - mc68020 - 28Mhz - 4Mb Fast             
                               - A1200 - mc68030 - 50Mhz - 4Mb Fast             
                              (the used configuration will be printed out during

                               the projection)                                  
                              Maxi size : 4 DD disks or 4 Mb on Hard Drive.     
                              Maxi projection time : 15 minutes.                
                              Only one demo per coder.                          
                              * Amiga Intros                                    
                              You've got the choice between 2 machines :        
                               - A1200 - mc68020 - 28Mhz - 4Mb Fast             
                               - A1200 - mc68030 - 50Mhz - 4Mb Fast             
                              (the used configuration will be printed out during
                               the projection)                                  
                              Maxi size : 65536 bytes (64Kb, no librairies or   
                              Please try to make the intro easyly exitable.     
                              Only one intro per coder.                         
                              * PC Demos                                        
                              Used computer : 486DX4-100 - 8Mb RAM - GUS or     
                              Maxi size : 4 Mb on Hard Drive.                   

                              Maxi projection time : 15 minutes.                
                              Only one demo per coder.                          
                              * PC Intros                                       
                              Used computer : 486DX4-100 - 8Mb RAM - GUS or     
                              Maxi size : 65536 bytes (64Kb)                    
                              Please try to make the intro easyly exitable.     
                              Only one intro per coder.                         
                              * Wild Competition                                
                              We do accept every computer : Atari ST, Falcon,   
                              C64, Archimede, Silicon Graphics, OrdiBaby, pocket
                              Or on  Vid=E9o tapes : VHS or S-VHS.              
                              Just bring your production (and computer) with    
                              you, that's all !                                 
                              Maxi projection time : 15 minutes.                

                              * Musics                                          
                              ONLY ONE competition for all modules.             
                              Only 2 file formats authorized :                  
                               - Amiga ProTracker, 4 voices                     
                               - PC FastTracker, from 4 to 32 voices            
                              All modules will be played under FastTracker II on
                              Maxi listening time : 3 minutes.                  
                              There will be a pre-selection of about 20 modules.
                              Only one module per musician.                     
                              * Graphics                                        
                              Maxi resolution : 640*512 with 256 couleurs.      
                              Only 2 file formats authorized :                  
                               - IFF                                            
                               - GIF                                            
                              No pre-selection.                                 
                              Only one picture per graphician.                  
                              We will try to display pictures also on monitors  
                              during the competition.                           

                              And of course, there could be some other surprise-
                              competition, like a disk-flying and other realtime
                              All participants must be present at the party.    
                              WHICH PRIZES ?                                    
                              At the end of each competition, we will print out 
                              a list with all seen or listened productions, to  
                              help you in voting.                               
                              For each competition, you will have to choose for 
                              3 productions.                                    
                              All 3 firsts of each competitions, will win a     
                              As always, 50% of entrance fees will compose the  
                              prices for those 7 competitions.                  
                              At the Saturne Party 2, it was something like :   
                               720 entrances at 100FF -> 36.000FF for prices    
                               1st in Amiga Demos -> 10.000FF                   
                               1st in Amiga Intros -> 4.000FF                   

                               1st in Musics or Graphics -> 2.000FF             
                              All prices will be given in FF cash.              
                              If we can get some sponsors, then hardware prizes 
                              could possibly be added to that.                  
                              MORE INFORMATION ?                                
                              Address of the party place :                      
                               Centre Culturel de Chelles                       
                               place des Martyrs de Chateaubriand               
                               77500 Chelles                                    
                              Access : it's 16kms East from Paris               
                               by car : Highways A1 or A4 ->A104 ->Nationale N34
                               by train : East Station (Paris) ->Chelles-Gournay
                                          Station. Then follow the signs...     
                              Organisers :                                      
                               St=E9phane `Ether' Vasseur                       
                               +33.1 (answering machine)            

                                Guillaume `Tetsuo' Bellido                      
                                Vincent `Vodka' Oneto                           
                                12 rue Gauguin                                  
                                91600 Savigny sur Orge                          
                               Reserve your table :                             
                                (explicit the number of persons and the computer