Inteview with Trotsky

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                        A n   I n t e r v i e w   W i t h


by Trotsky/Narcosis

 T: Hallo Trotsky!

 T: Hallo!

 T: Would you mind if I interview you for Deadlock 9?

 T: Well, I don't know this just  sounds  like a cheap way to get publicity and
    get better known in the scene.

 T: Oh, come on, you can trust me!

 T: Why?

 T: Because I'm you!

 T: But aren't I supposed to be interviewed by, like, a scene person?

 T: Well, nobody's asked you because hardly anyone's ever heard of you.

 T: Fair enough.

 T: So can I ask who you are, in real life I mean?

 T: Erm, I'm you.

 T: No, pretend I'm like Cyborg of Narcosis or summat.

 T: Oh right!  I'm Ross.

 T: And how old are you?

 T: I'm 17.

 T: What do you do?

 T: I'm doing  A-levels  in  English  Literature,  History  and  French  and am
    predicted 3 Bs which I'm quite chuffed with.

 T: What do you do in the scene?

 T: I'm a swapper and eventually - when  I  can afford it I'm going to become a
    modem trader.  I  also  intend  to  learn  to  code  when  I've finished my
    A-Levels but I don't have time for that at the mo.
 T: What do you do outside the scene?

 T: Look is this  interview  going  to  take  much  longer  I feel a bit stupid
    sitting here talking to myself and my sister keeps giving me funny looks.

 T: Look just bear with me alright?

 T: Ok.  I play full-back for my local Sunday league side, I do a lot of acting
    and have performed  at  a  couple  of  professional  theatres in the region
    [OOER! - R-9!].  Oh and I support Luton Town F.C.

 T: Pfffffffftthhhheeeheeeheeeeheeee!

 T: Don't you fucking laugh, you support them too, you bastard!

 T: Yeah, but at least I don't admit it in the middle of a magazine.

 T: They're a fine footballing side.
 T: God, you're a tosser aren't you?

 T: Right that's it, I'm leaving.

 T: Look, alright I'll stop.  Sit  down.  Don't  bear grudges "like lonely high
    court judges", as Morrissey once said.

 T: Alright, but one more remark like  that and I'll rip your head of and stick
    it where the Sun don't shine.  [Where, Grimsby? - R-9!]

 T: Coo!  Bitchy.

 T: Shut up and get on with the interview.

 T: What's your favourite film ever?

 T: Psycho.

 T: Quote the first song lyrics that come into your head.

 T: And I've got this friend you see...  Can't remember the rest.

 T: Who's your favourite dead poet?

 T: Look, can  we  talk  about  the  scene  please?  This  is  supposed to be a
    publicity exercise.

 T: OK.  Who's your best buddy on the scene?

 T: I don't have a best buddy  as  such.  I  suppose I could mention Eldar/Dual
    4mat but he doesn't really count as we knew each other before we joined the
    scene.  Erm.  Axe/Nvx is a  good  bloke,  Sable's  funny,  DeVOE is my most
    reliable contact.  Rob and  Watts  of  DF  are  both great guys.  Take your

 T: What do you like about the scene?

 T: The friendship.  I don't care what  I  get sent as it's the letters I like.
    I'll quit the scene once I  lose  the  good feeling of receiving a friendly

 T: What would you like to do in the future?

 T: Join a group in some function - be it swapper or article writer...
    [As you can see, Jim has already fixed it for him... - R-9!]

 T: What's your address for people wanting to trade with you?

 T: 36 Beachampstead Rd
    Great Staughton
    PE19 4DX

 T: What did you have for breakfast this morning?

 T: Coco po... wait a minute, that's not scene related.

 T: Well, no.  Not technically.

 T: Right, I'm leaving.

 T: What are you going to do?  Watch Luton?

 T: Piss Off.