Inteview with Raven

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!Interview With Raven
By Teis/Dvn Staff
Interview With Raven

"Most people don`t know what the Amiga means to us." - Raven.

Hey Raven, that isn't your real name? ;) 

Nope... actually I'm called Harry, well Harald Wittmaack.... that's how my parents call me! ;) 

Neet ;) You are a German scener, since when? 

Raven: has to be around 1989 or 1988 when I switched from the C64-scene to the amiga.... and there I am around more than ten years....and still the scene is a nice place to be for me. 

So you've started directly into the amiga scene. Which group have you pleasured since your scene activities? 

Hehehe...that's easy to say...I jumped on to the amiga-train and was sick of changing groups all the I started my own group with some friends...that was Nuance...and it is still double or triple-memberships for me...just Nuance. So a pretty short story ! ;).

You told us that you have been in the scene since 89. You're a German scener, can you tell me something about the German scene and what it has done for the whole Amiga scene? 

Well...surely there are a lot of nice german teams that faded away a long time ago...and what they did for the scene in general isn't easy to say....but they did a lot for me and my way of life. First of all the scene gave me the skills to do what I do in real life...designing internet and intranet-sites....I just learned more about colors, sketches and stuff than some guys at universities do....second: I learned a lot about human interaction...often Germans. But the German scene in general did the same like every scene do....making friends...creating stunning entertainments....they create FUN! The only thing....well....German scene was the most innovative some time all the work seems to be the same juggling with c2p....but that's ok also....but innovation in terms of new effects was often done by german teams like Sanity and so on...

Yep, good old Sanity. Germany had alot of great groups, like The Silents, RSiuC4, Sanity, Artwork etc. They've all released great stuff. What is your opinion on why the German scene has decreased so fast and so much?

The people that raised with the amiga, the people who bought it with the money they gained during their summer-holiday-jobs are in business now and for someone seeking for the most powerful hardware the amiga is no longer the first choice. Also most people can't imagine what the amiga means to us...not just a piece of hardware like a PC that will be dumped if it becomes to slow for the needs. But the main fact is that there are no newcomers. 

That's one point of view. Although, Poland and the other Eastern Countries have brought a lot of newcomers in the last few years. What's your opinion about the scene of these countries and their products?

Mompls...have to make some coffee...;)... ...back....another thing the scene gave to your question: I really like what they do...they have their own style and this is important. Just because a lot of foreign groups started to just copy the things of the groups in the western countries....nowadays they reached a standard that is basically just the same than ours...those guys just rule! I also have some contacts to graphicians in poland and so on and they have my full sympathy, because they help to keep the scene alive and kicking. Apart from the mags in polish language (don't have a clue what they write there, but it's sure fun) I really like the products...they show quality and skills... so here is another basic point for me in the scene: If someone is a scener and does a good job...who cares what country he is from? The scene and it's people rule... no matter where are they from!

That is way true, but the polish and czesh scene is still closed to their own. I mean, not a lot of sceners made it true into the whole scene, others don't want to. What do you think? 

Hmmm....if they are sceners they also should take part in the whole scene...they also want the amiga to survive I they should help to keep it alive not just in their country...more competition could revitalise the scene. But I think we can see a movement in the polish and czech scene to open more widely...also those people are really friendly and they CAN party like hell! ;) So: Everyone that is active in a national amiga-scene should go international...the Amiga-scene needs them!

Yep, we need them badly! Well ok, I hope that the view german sceners will stay as long as they can and that some new will arrive. Anyways, thanks for spending your time Raven ;) It was a pleasure. If you have anything you want to shout out, go ahead ;D 

Well...I feel like a oscar-winner now...(höhöhöhö) of all...the most biggest shout out has to go to my girlfriend "Ingrid", that respects my interests in the Amiga-scene and likes the gfx I do and the things I create as a part of the scene. Also thanks has to go to all members of Nuance that really gives me the will to continue in the scene...paint...organize.... do all the crazy things we do....we just have to keep this alive...the scene is a good place to find friends and a even better place to get serious knowledge that can help in the hard business-world, no matter if these are graphics, sound or code-related jobs lateron! And last but not least: Thanks Teis-mate for the nice questions....phew... I'll follow my sweet girlfriend now and get some sleep! ;) Nite!

Sweet!! ;) Maybe work on a little Raven, like I did on a little tEiS :D Takecare!! 

You too...;) 

That's it people... another interview with a man called Raven, which has been in the amiga scene since the first days, saw, heard alot, made alot for it .. may his name stay for ever ... heheh ... take it ez... .