Inteview with Hydra

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The Stalin of the scene!
Home in Kristiansand, Norway, The organizer in Andromeda, Hydra, 
is sitting and playing chess with his brother Interphace knowing that 
he has to be most perfect organizer in scene history. During 
those years Andromeda has excisted NOBODY has left them. 
During the same period they had accepted some of most talented 
people to join them.


One day he got a call that 4 of the most talentul members left 
Andromeda, and this day Hydra showed his real personality.
He fucked up with Moxy and threathened him to not leave. Moxy
got real scared and did leave Andromeda without calling 
the organizer. Today Moxy is considering to leave the scene!

You are the organizer in Andromeda. Moxy, Lizard, Blazer, Duel
left Andromeda for Lemon. What do you think was their reason for
leaving Andromeda?

I don't want to speculate in their reason, because I had probably failed to
succeed in writing the truth.

So it has nothing with you being a bad organizer?

I really thought that Blazer and Duel never would leave Andromeda, but I was
wrong. So I think that I should have done some things in another way, and
therefore I take the responsibility for why they left. If this makes me a
bad organizer, I don't know. That's up to Andromeda's members to decide.

RAW knows that these members had a foolish idea of being
members of Andromeda and Lemon. at the same time. What do you think
of double members?

Not all of them had this "foolish idea" (as you call it), the only one who
wanted to be a member of both Andromeda and Lemon. was Blazer. Frankly I do
not like the idea too much, it doesn't suit the Andromeda-image. That was
also the reason why we refused Blazer to have dual-membership, even though
it was really tempting.

Do you think there will be others leaving Andromeda soon?

Blazer, Duel, Moxy and Lizard were the first, and hopefully the last,
members of Andromeda who left to join another group. All others who
have left Andromeda before did it because they didn't find any pleasure in
the scene or simply had too much work with the school and other
hobbies. Sorry, but it is impossible to answer your question, because it
would only be speculations.

So all the other members of Andromeda are living in peace and harmony at
the moment?

Yes, and if you wonder why we havn't released anything recently - I can tell
you that we are all working on bigger projects, since there is no need for
1001 Andromeda-intros each year...

According to Moxy you told him some nasty words to him then he told he would
leave Andromeda. He got upset of this. He actually said that he didn't know if
he dared to call you after he had decided to leave Andromeda. What did you
actually tell him?

When I heard that Moxy also was going to leave Andromeda, I phoned him up
and told him that if he left, he would never get an opportunity to rejoin.
He accepted that simple fact and I did furthermore not tell him any "nasty
words". I was quite surprised of this question, because it hasn't any roots
in reality! I have asked Moxy if he has told you, Lord Helmet, this story.
He said that he had not said to you that I had told him any "nasty words",
so where are your sources?

(I, Lord Helmet got a telephone from Moxy the SAME day as you had
talked to him, and he told me that you had called him an asshole and
that you was very angry at him. He also said that he had left 
Andromeda, but he didn't dare to call you... So, if Moxy tell you that
he hasn't told me the story, it is because he is too weak to say it
to you face to face.)

Is this normal to threaten all members that are threathing
to leave Andromeda?

Every member of Andromeda is free to leave whenever he wants. But if anyone
else is going to leave Andromeda for another group, I will tell him the same.
Why? Well, Andromeda doesn't need any members who aren't reliable. This is
also the reason why we are still alive, and Anarchy is not.

You have set some rules in Andromeda. Example: NO PACKS! and NO MODEMTRADING!
Don't you think these rules are the reasons for some people not liking
themselves in Andromeda and why these rules?

Even though I am the organizer, I don't have absolute power. In fact, I can't
make any rule at all if the others don't agree with me. I am the organizer,
the one who is supposed to get huge phonebills - Not an autocrat!

The reason why we don't do packs originates nearly four years back in time.
We didn't want to make packs since we thought it didn't say anything about
a group's skill, everyone could/can do it! But I would stress that we
realise that it takes much work to run a high-quality packserie though.

When it comes to modemtrading, I can say that Andromeda doesn't need any
of that, mainly because our productions do usually get spreaded very good.
So thanks to all those traders who spread our productions so well! Why should
we spread our productions to every BBS when other people are so kind and do
it for us? In general we don't have any prejudice towards people who make
packs or are modeming.

<< Turn page >>

Many tells us that Andromeda are the most serious group in the Scene. Can't
you make anything funny?

Many? How many? One, two or three? Maybe four? Anyway, if Andromeda is
considered as the most serious group in the scene - I am pleased! We have
always made serious productions, because that is what we believe in. But,
that's just our productions. We are mainly in the scene because of fun
(like most others).
Funny? What do you mean by a funny production? Wayfarer? Nah! At least we
had fun while doing the Smalltro, which I don't think you can consider a
serious production at all. (The exception which confirmes the rule,

You have also made a statement there you are tired of the Andromeda design.
Does this mean that Andromeda will change a bit in the design or does it
mean that you are not happy with the designers at the moment?

Well, I must admit that I admire your quoting-technic, Helmet! I think the
the following quote is much closer to reality then the one you published:
I do sometimes get tired of the "Andromeda-design" - Hydra. You did
furthermore not mention why I was tired of it, so I think I better tell you
that the reason is this: If only Andromeda had used the "Andromeda-design", I
could never have been bored of it.
We will not change our design, but we will of course improve it. I think that
we have some of the Scene's best designers - So I have actually nothing
to complain about. And I really don't think that our design is the same each
time! (Because design is more than colours and a nice setup on the screen,
isn't it?)

There are going some romours that you have kicked Decker out of Andromeda.
Can you confirm or disconfirm it?

We have not kicked Decker.

A last question.. Do you think Andromeda is as strong now as it was
before 1/4 of your members left?

A though one... Let me make an analysis and in addition clear up this mess:
Members before The Gathering '93:
Andy, Archmage, Blazer, Dr.Jekyll, Duel, Fairfax, HeadX, Hydra, Lizard,
Lord Interface (nowadays known as Interphace), MCS, Moxy, Mr.Hyde, Mr.Man,
Rook, The Main (nowadays known as View), Quest and William = 18 members
1. Decker and Jas joined at The Gathering (=20).
2. Wood joined after The Gathering (=21).
3. I kicked Rook due to general internal displease with him (=20).
4. Blazer, Duel, Moxy and Lizard left (=16).
5. Joachim joined (=17), and that is also the current situation!
Conclusion: We are currently stronger than we were before The Gathering
'93! When we lost 1/5 (20/4 = 5, not 4, Lord Helmet!) of our members, of
course we got weaker. But I think that our four latest members can
compensate for those four who left!

(UPDATE: Joachim left for Lemon.)