iff.Real (Graphics) by Tudor

in Break's - on YouTube - in the Hall Of Light - on Demozoo

Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Individuals and Guests


  • Tudor (SE) (The Black Lotus)


Direct Files



Guru's Dream BBS:
IC96-GFX.LHA P 362146  05-27-96  pICTURES fROM tHE GFX cOMP iCING'96

Death Row BBS:
I96-GFX.LHA  P1834315  05-27-96  All the graphics from the Icing '96 gfxcompo

Northern Palace BBS:
I96-GFX.LHA  P1835249  05-28-96  All the graphics from the Icing '96 gfxcompo

Cement City BBS:
I96-GFX.LHA  P1834958  05-28-96  All the graphics from the Icing '96 gfxcompo

Uphold The Law BBS:
i96-gfx.lha  P1843306  05-29-96  All the graphics from the Icing '96 gfxcompo

Mystical Places BBS:
IC96-GFX.LHA   335870  06-20-96  pICTURES fROM tHE GFX cOMP iCING'96

ASCII Art File Info (.diz file)

Ú                          ¿
     Icing '96 release
  Y go virtual when U can
    have the real thing
  by Tudor/The Black Lotus
         Placed 2nd
À                          Ù