Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Cyberdreams (Group)




Direct Files



                                                   +----- -- - -- -
+ CyberDreams Presents: Cyber Tøølz #1 | CYBER DREAMS
+ Compiled by Maffia/CyberDreams |
-------------------------------------------------+ CYBER TøøLz #1
Type `Menu` to return to this menu. !
Type The name of a file to execute it. / by MAFFiA / CD
Type PPmore Filename.Doc to view documentation. |
----------------------------------------+--------+---- --- --- --
File: Discription: | Notes.
PAM - Pic and Mod to exe file | Needs Packilbm.library
NoisePlayer - V4.00 mod Player |
PowerPlayer - V2.31 mod Player |
SuperDuper - Sys friendly disk copier |
Virus-Checker- V6.41 Best Virus Killer |
ViewTek - V2.00 Multi File Viewer |
DLD - Decruncher | Needs Decrunch.library
DW - File Master | Needs #?.cfg

First a qiuick note to all A500 Pak Makers -
Please dont use the Border OFF command, it don't
work on da AGA machines and just looks crap!