Birra Banderas (4k Intro) by Goblins

  • Released: 1995-07-24 on Posadas Party, ranked 1 in the 4k Intro Competition
  • Categorized as: 4k Intro
  • This release was supplied to us by Spanish Scene Vol 1 CD
in Break's - on YouTube - in the Hall Of Light - on Demozoo

Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Goblins (Group)



Direct Files

Text Inside this Production

con:130/92/380/88/       V2.00 © 1995 GOBLINS®.

 Autor: BIRRA. Inicializando...

 Y eso,eso,eso es todo amigos!.

 *** ERROR: Fichero                        

 posiblemente corrupto.
 no encontrado en el directorio Datos.

 *** ERROR: Directorio Datos no encontrado.

*** ERROR: No hay memoria suficiente.
$VER:  DemoX® 69.1 (25.12.2xxx)