Credits and Features
If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.
Individuals and Guests
Release Features
Title | Type | Author | contained as | Year |
Music (Noisetracker/Protracker) | Timer | 109546 bytes / crc 6255FCAC | a2/95 added 5/13 | |
Music (Noisetracker/Protracker) | Timer | 114316 bytes / crc 2E8796C9 | a4/95 added 5/13 | |
Music (Noisetracker/Protracker) | Timer | 82680 bytes / crc C3F82D45 | a6/94 added 5/13 |
Direct Files
- Scalaris-Bigoz7.adf (disk), 901120 bytes (CRC:
Files From Features
- MOD.timer-destruction.gz (sound), 82680 bytes (CRC:
) (see inside text) - ascension.mod (sound), 109546 bytes (CRC:
) (see inside text) - lunatic1.mod (sound), 114316 bytes (CRC:
) (see inside text)
Interview with Ace
Interview with Ari
Interview with Binary
Interview with Chris
Interview with Norby
Interview with Robson
Party Invitations
Invitation to Saturne Party 3 1995-04 (postponed)
F PARTY --------------------- THE SATURNE PARTY III --------------------- 15-16-17 Avril 1995 The party is held in the "Parc Floral de Paris", into a very pleasant natural environment (about 70 acres of green-spaces), very accessible, important and free park-places. The main room is able to welcome more than 8,000 people and you'll find at your disposal for your com... read more
Party Reports
Report on Primavera 2 - 1995
D PRIMAVERA/CHRIS Krótkie sprawozdanie z party PRIMAVERA 2 Dnia 11-12 marca, bieþæcego roku, odbyîo sie party w Starachowicach. Byîo to juþ drugie party w tym samym miejscu. Na zaproszeniu, które dostaîem widniaî napis "Amiga only", wiêc pojechaîem. Jazda byîa spokajna, nie zauwaþyîem þadnych brutalnych scen ani tym podobnych. Jakiõ goõciu puõciî pawia przez okno i powstaî îadny deseñ. Poz... read more
Report on Visual Party 4.0
F VP/JUBAL Visual Party 4.0 ################## Po raz ostatni juþ w roku '94 polska scena amigowska spotkaîa siê w Tarnowie. Sîowo "spotkaîa siê" jest byç moþe trochê za mocne, gdyþ w imprezie uczestniczyîo zaledwie kilkunastu, kilkudziesiêciu czîonków amigowskiej sceny. Zgodnie z tradycjæ byîo to równieþ party commodorowskie, choç wõród organizatorów dominowali amigowcy. Caîoõ... read more