Hollywood Mood (40k Intro) by Tpdl
- Released: 1994-12-29 on The Party 1994, ranked 6 in the 40k Intro Competition
- Categorized as: 40k Intro
Credits and Features
If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.
Release Features
Title | Type | Author | contained as | Year |
Music (Noisetracker/Protracker) | Dreamer | 6/94 added 3/08 |
Release Connections
Contained In Packs
Title | Type | Author | contained as | Year |
Packdisk | Intense Doc Manhattan - Elf - Hardfire - ... | CrunchMania Normal 40940 bytes / crc 9E1ACBC9 | a12/94 added 2/10 | |
Packdisk AGA Chipset required - No author infos | Necropolis | CrunchMania Normal 40940 bytes / crc 9E1ACBC9 | a12/94 added 2/15 | |
Packdisk | Avantgarde 1001 Byte - 2fast - Sonic - ... | 12/94 added 7/09 | ||
Packdisk | Diffusion Astral - Beathawk - Rock Lobster | cc12/94 added 8/18 | ||
Packdisk | Tnc Kbit - Leunam - Sau | cc95 added 1/18 | ||
Packdisk | Essence Covert Action Team - Dascon - Dodger - ... | cc12/94 added 5/16 | ||
Packdisk | Effect Moone - MvA - Radavi - ... | cc95 added 4/09 | ||
Packdisk | Drifters Clary - Mr. Bluesky | 1/95 added 4/13 | ||
Packdisk no screenshot - no music | Depth Curt Cool | 12/94 added 3/06 | ||
Packdisk | TRSI Bald Horse - Bodzio - Dreamer - ... | cc1/95 added 8/18 |
Direct Files
- TBL-Hollywood_Mood (exec), 40940 bytes (CrunchMania Normal) (CRC:
Files From Features
- dead heaven.mod (sound), 37418 bytes (CRC:
) (mp3/ogg provided by ExoticA) (see inside text)