Polish Autumn Party 93
- Country: Poland
- City: Poznan
- Location: Technical School
- Organizer(s): Mad Elks, Flying Cows, Dioxide, Lesiu
- Party began on: 1993-10-23
- Party ended on: 1993-10-24
Official Results of Amiga 500 Demo 1. Impulse / Tilt 3429 2. PRO S.I.A.K. / F.C.I. 2832 3. Uqula / Damage 2033 4. Overvision / Blaze 1061 Official Results of Amiga 1200 Demo 1. Ray World / Inv & Deform Official Results of Amiga Music 1. Light & Sound / Dreamer 1972 2. Transfix / XTD 1682 3. Grumple / Scorpik 1550 4. Enforcer / Dan 1472 5. What is it / Roberts 1284 6. Unplugged / Accord 1225 7. Utopia Island / Peters 1186 8. Slave of techno / Michael R 1166 9. Metropolis / Wierza 1041 10. Kill the hate / Pavelo 907 Official Results of Amiga Graphics & Rays 1. Black Jack / Seq 1686 2. Omega / Pic 1176 3. Miss Kiss / TPP 1142 4. Natura / Pluton 926 5. Moonlight / Mr Melon 756 6. Columb / Edi 638 6. Baileys / Kurwa Jego 638 7. Valesko / ... 624 8. Zmrok / Pluton 590 9. Badyle / Xenos 562 10. Flanta / Marcin Bogasz 542 11. Kawal Chuja / Showtime 522 12. Corsimone / Seq 510 13. Beavis Butthead / Plumbum 492 14. One More Shit / Devil 483 15. Emily / Axel D. 476 16. Fantazja / ... 432 17. Santa Maria / Deuto 411 18. Vigrid / Kurwa Jego 378 19. Voice Of My Head / Zefir 362 20. Sweet Cindy / Beniamin 350 21. Pluskwa / Ray 334 22. Straszny Straszak 331 23. Cyborg / Ray 314 24. Nocnik Informacji / Xenos 308 25. Pomnik... / Jonek 306 26. Bad Pszczola / Freeman 300 27. ... / Seq 284 28. Living Stones / Mr Melon 280 29. Black House / Dalthon 276 30. Odlot / Animal 270 31. Kule / ... 258 31. Zarowki / Bednad 258 32. Wulkan / PP Rys 256 33. Got Mit Uns 254 34. Brama / Ray 248 35. Super Kit / Imperator 240 36. Sztywny Skel. / Imperator 226 37. Knajpa / Bednad 212 38. Okret Widmo / Yobo 210 39. Beton Heads / Sitek 208 40. Thief.AGA / Animal 198 40. Komnata / Ben 198 41. Atlantisz / Edi 195 42. Deadly Girl / Sagittarius 180 42. Abstraction / Sitek 180 43. Partyzant 2222 / Jackal 176 44. Baranki / Xenos 174 45. Polsilver Horror / ... 170 46. Oczek / Sharkey 168 47. Water / Gunman 160 48. Piramidy / Miklesz 152 49. Robale / Slayer 150 50. Cosmodrom / Zeti 146 51. Golden PL Autumn / Alfsky 144 51. Swaitynia Slonca / Bednad 144 52. Dama / Edi 142 53. Szachownica / Sitek 140 53. Dragon / Dzemik 140 54. Pyramids / Ozzy 134 55. U96 / Yobo 132 56. Eye Of Devil / Dr. D 130 57. Great Bird / Kurczak 128 57. Swat / Kurwa Jego 128 58. Turtles / Dzemik 124 59. Warrior / Slayer 122 59. Ice Blow / Ozzy 122 59. Cadaver / The Generat 122 60. Komnata / Ben 116 61. Punisher / Slayer 112 61. Drzemka / Jackal 122 62. Pojazd / ... 110 63. Somewhere.AGA / Alfsky 108 63. Kieliszek / Sharkey 108 64. ... / Mr Melon 106 65. Pokaz CP Jack / Jack 102 66. City / Ozzy 100 67. Eliminator / Kastro 98 68. Fight / Gunman 94 69. Welcome Home / Tees 92 69. Snoopy's Travel / Pike 92 69. Got Mit Uns II / Maruda 92 70. Suzuki / Marcin Bogasz 90 71. System Failure / Alfsky 89 72. Dark Side Of Power / Devil 88 72. Olej / Zefir 88 73. Doniczka.AGA / Sabe 86 73. PIC1 / Berserker 86 74. Drzwi / Tomala 84 74. Beat Us... / Little Horror 84 75. Death / Sjowtime 82 76. Flawers.AGA / Sabe 80 77. Age Of Life / Maruda 78 78. The Monk / Tees 74 78. Wrota Piekiel / Tees 74 78. Szklanki.AGA / Sabe 74 79. Kafeja / Pic 72 80. Tomcat / PP Rys 66 81. Monument / Alien 60 81. Apache / ... 60 82. Fiction / Ellyn 58 83. Pelissa / Kastro 56 83. Zdzira / Scorpik 56 84. Boat / Yobo 54 85. Glowa / PP Rys 52 85. Demon / GDF 52 85. Eveball Planet / Little H. 52 85. Apache II / ... 52 86. In The Gym / .. 42 87. Technological D. / Showtime 40 88. Kiss Me / Jackal 38 88. Birth.AGA / Animal 38 89. Breed A Breath / Spustel 36 89. Fucking Snowman / Little H. 36 90. Sztywny Edek / ... 34 90. Your Father / Spustel 34 91. Anomalia / Freeman 30 92. Play With Me / Fast Dragon 26 93. Planet / Inicorn 22 94. Cyber Skinhead / ... 18 94. At At Prev / Gunman 18 95. 2 Little Alkoholics / Devil 14 95. Blue Mouse / Graphy 14 95. Sologer / EGI SYS 14 96. Pejzaz / Alien 12 97. Cipka / Dzemik 8 98. Spitfire / Unicorn 7 99. Knewroth / EGI SYS 6 99. Suepred / Spustel 6 100.Window Of The Uni. / Freeman 0 100.Panasonic / EGI SYS 0 100.PIC2 / Berserker 0 Official Results of Amiga Intro 1. Suspect 555 2. Investation 502 3. Funzine 362 4. Proxis 206 5. Veto 202 6. Appendix 188 7. Veto 158 8. Silicon Art 145 9. Turnips 133 10. Credo 104 11. Investation 91 12. Cyberdyne Systems 88 13. Damage 67 14. Casyopeya 65 15. Eskimos 52 16. Termos 40 17. Bald Horse 39 18. Jabol Prod. 16
Invitations to this Party
Invitation found in | Type | Author | Year |
Demo With a Hidden, Secret Part inside | Mad Elks Alis - Dak - Fly - ... | a8/93 added 12/05 |
Invitation Text
This time, we're proud to invite you to another, kewl party, here in Poland.We decided to make 2-days party, no 3-days one, 'coz with a little experience we can say that third day is worth only the pound of shit, and most of people leave it. If you don't agree, we don't mind actually )hmm.. stupid joke( and you can hang oneself )hmm.. this one?(. Anyway, this is very fast, dietetic party. Whom can you call the organizers? Some local crews claim to be; MAD... read more
Invitation found in | Type | Author | Year |
Diskmagazine | Majic 12 Adder - Avantage - Backfire - ... | a12/93 added 7/96 |
Invitation Text
POLISH PARTY INVITATION Hi all the crazy scene-freaks! This time, we're proud to invite you to another, kewl party, here in Poland. We decided to make a 2-days party, not a 3-days one, 'coz with a little experience we can say that third day is worth only the pound of shit, and most of people leave it. If you don't agree, we don't mind actually )hmm.. stupid joke( and you can hang oneself )hmm.. this one?(. Anyway, this is very fast, dietetic party. Whom... read more
Invitation found in | Type | Author | Year |
Packdisk no music - Cli-Menu Packdisk | Synctec Duq - Formercode | a9/93 added 12/20 |
Invitation Text
Info: Hi all the crazy scene-freaks! This time, we're proud to invite you to another, kewl party, here in Poland. We decided to make 2-days party, no 3-days one, 'coz with a little experience we can say that third day is worth only the pound of shit, and most of people leave it. If you don't agree, we don't mind actually )hmm.. stupid joke( and you can hang oneself )hmm.. this one?(. Anyway, this is very fast, dietetic party. Whom can you call the organizers? Some local crew... read more
Reviews and Reports
Title | Type | Author | Year |
Diskmagazine | Ram Jam ACBS - Deus - Flender - ... | t12/93 added 3/96 |
Review Text
(some results)
Title | Type | Author | Year |
Trackmo | Mad Elks Alis - Dak - Dreamer - ... | t4/94 added 9/99 |
Releases and Competitions
40k Intro Competition | Ranking | Author | Year |
1 | Suspect Jezo - Kane | a10/93 added 10/94 | |
2 | Investation Leviathan - Mephisto - Tees - ... | 10/93 added 10/94 | |
3 | Funzine Dura - Saddam | a10/93 added 5/94 | |
4 | Proxis Animal - Hudinsky - Little Horror - ... | cc10/93 added 10/17 | |
5 | Veto Bicker - Denethor - XTD | 10/93 added 11/11 | |
6 | Appendix Lynx - Pike | 10/93 added 10/94 | |
7 | Veto Ali - Contriver - Denethor | 10/93 added 11/10 | |
8 | Silicon Art Doctor - Kozi - Syfon - ... | 10/93 added 1/07 | |
9 | Turnips Bishop - Don Diavolo - Katarek | a10/93 | |
10 | Credo Aps - Bouli - Maxym | 10/93 added 1/07 | |
11 | Investation Dr. D - Lloyd - The Trader - ... | 10/93 added 11/11 | |
12 | Cyberdyne Systems Distortion - Model101 - Zala | a10/93 added 1/14 | |
13 | Damage | 10/93 added 11/10 | |
14 | Casyopea Bartesek - Edi | 10/93 added 5/10 | |
15 | Eskimos Cyclon - Dalos - Demon | 10/93 added 5/10 | |
17 | Bald Horse & Bartesek | cc10/93 added 12/20 | |
? | Flying Cows | a10/93 added 1/07 |
Graphics Competition | Ranking | Author | Year |
1 1686 votes | Seq | t10/93 added 5/20 | |
2 1176 votes | Pic | t10/93 added 5/20 | |
3 1142 votes | Tpp | t10/93 added 4/20 | |
15 476 votes | Axel D. | t10/93 added 9/20 |
Demo Competition | Ranking | Author | Year |
1 | Tilt | t10/93 added 5/94 | |
1 | Deform & Investation Berserker - Dan - Mad Mack - ... | 10/93 added 5/94 | |
2 | Flying Cows Animal - Echo - Kurczak | a10/93 added 8/94 | |
3 | Damage Bednar - Miklesz - Sitek | a10/93 added 10/94 | |
4 | Blaze Benji - Don Diavolo - Imperator - ... | cc10/93 added 5/94 |
Music Competition | Ranking | Author | Year |
1 | Dreamer | t10/93 added 3/96 | |
2 | XTD | t9/93 added 9/99 |
Other Releases
Intro/uncategorized | Category | Author | Year |
Intro | Mad Elks Dak - Kopara - XTD - ... | 10/93 added 7/02 |
Packdisk/uncategorized | Category | Author | Year |
Packdisk | Mad Elks Dak - Kopara - XTD - ... | 10/93 added 7/01 | |
released after the Party | Packdisk | Investation Norby - Rapper - Tap - ... | m10/93 added 11/11 |
Slideshow/uncategorized | Category | Author | Year |
Slideshow AGA Chipset required | Pissing Plums RUR - Thieving Magpie - Zombie | cc10/93 added 10/17 | |
released after the Party | Slideshow | Neanderthal Men Arthur - Blacha - Devil - ... | 10/93 added 5/11 |
Chip Music Pack/uncategorized | Category | Author | Year |
Chip Music Pack | Mystic C.I.A - Deathlord - Gemini Goede - ... | a10/93 added 10/94 |
Demo/Slideshow/uncategorized | Category | Author | Year |
released after the Party | Demo, Slideshow | Termos Diodak - Lord Brush - Magor - ... | a93 added 10/17 |