Text Inside this Production

                   albion is proud to present their first music compilation 
disk... credits of this proggy goes to  tor-coding   and galaxy-graphics-
muzaks....  first of all message to all my (tor) contacts     i`m on rhodos 
13.10-21.10   so i won`t answer then.. just now we (all members of albion) 
are in zardax`s place and now zardax is eating potatochips.. zardax wanna 
write something (and i wanna eat his potatochips ! (taffel, the original)) 
    joppa doppa.... the master of scrolltextwriting...   asch.... actually 
i`m not so good in inveting some sensible text, although i type 1760 bytes 
in ten minutes, not bad....  umm these chips are veery tasty....mmm  mmm 
don`t tease me tor`n`galaxy, because you`ve got two diskdrives, byaaahhh 
(sniff)         well we`ve typed the text before, but after changing the 
release-date, we wanted to update the text.. we wrote over 4 kb, but this 
time we`re going to type more, ehha....   while inventing some reeaaall 
bullschimdt i let galaxy write (or try to write...) text..           
oh yeah.. so where is my text writing idea ????   well , first i send 
some messages to ...      atom of gate !!!     where is my two disks ??? 
( onko ne havinny postissa vai....  ???? )      horizon !!!   have you 
got my stuff ????  ( i hope so! )  and what next???    ouh !    piranhas 
 where is my disk ??     that was all about messages ....      
then a little joke !!      two gays were fucking all the night and 
in the morning the other one woke up. he said to his boy friend 
"while i`m making some breakfast, don`t fuck off, promise to me !!" 
the other gay - "i won`t do it, i promise to you". the other boy 
went to kitchen and when he came back, the room was full of sperm and 
he asked "why did you do this to me ???   why???" the other one answered 
surprisedly "you know that,i won`t betray you so i only farted" 
heh heh heee !!!!!    that was only experience of my klassresa till sverige. 
in sweden we stayed at uplandsvasby about week and to got known with swedish 
school life. it was much easier than finnish. at the boat was my class boys 
little drunk (i was not!!!...?????) blah blah blah blah blah ..... 
zardax and coax (he is graffix and zax man on 64 (same group where i am in 
old cool 64!!!!!)) are going to sweden (to stockholm) in 17.11-19.11 89. 
so here is a little instruction (to zardax) keep coax far away from 
booze and don`t let him fall from the deck!!!!!! he ehe he  
sorry for my contacts that i haven`t send anything for couple of days,
because i`m waiting for our (this) new demo and send it to you!!!! 
so tor is boasting his trip to rhodos (i will hit him if he continues !!
!) now we tor and zardax are speaking how boring is german. 
and now ladies and gentlemen ....... tor has get glasses to his big(?) 
head,so he can see what he are doing (are you ??? )  so here bounce 
keyboad to you (niaaaaauauuuuuuuuu........ssssss.............brrraaaaaaa... meditation in tor`s head...(joke !! guru is coming to my sweaty 
fingers!!!! go for it ....)       shit !!!!! forget all what galaxy said !! 
coz` we wanna no war with swedish and/or germanies !!!!!!!!         
now the greetings      - bounty - clones - complex - full force - gate - 
powerlords - testament - the golden triangle.... one and only fucking must 
go to the biggest shit head   -tapio jokinen-  "hope you will die soon !!!" 
now little personal message to him (in finnish)       jokinen huhuu !!!  
ootkos koskaan ajatellut ostaa 2 metria hamppukoytta ja ripustaa itsesi 
puuhun roikkumaan ?????? kokeile ihmeessa   se vois olla kivaakin......  
jokinen sa oot helvetin tyhma..tyhma..tyhma..tyhma.... tajuutsa ???...    
so i think it`s enought to him but he is so fucking stupid that i must 
tell it to you.... if you know this animal go and give him some poison..  
i have tried to buy arsenic but they didn`t sell it to me coz` i didn`t 
take picture of him with me.....   i think that zardax wanna type something 
so its all yours .............??         well zardax here again... well 
if there`s any 64 people writing this, then i`ll tell you this..... 
in our 64 group "origo" we have done (or mixer has) a good music routine, 
so all software houses and game-groups can freely take a contact to us, 
you can find the address in some of our origo-demos..  well tor says 
that i must stop now, because he must go home by foot and he`ll have 
to leave soon, well take care of yourself and your dog.....        
tor here again   but now i give my addres to all of you who wanna swap 
amiga stuff with me    so if you are interesting write to this address     
t.torri     soppe    45610 koria    finland        (no lamers please)    
  "palikka loys lattialta palan perunalastua ja kiwi haluaa syoda sen..  
no nyt ne tappelee siita kumpi sen saa !!!!!!!!"          and now galaxy 
is back ......   if there is anybody reading this little piece of scroll
writting,i give address who want to contact me on amiga (under albion) 
write to ...           jani kiviranta        villikkala       47200  
elimaki    finland            i answer allmost everyone (except lamers ) 
and i swap with 64 too    so contact me under galaxy of 
studio 3       only cool guys (nooooooo lamers !!!!!!!!!!)  and remember 
that albion is not 64 group !!!!!!!     tor says that is enough so i end 
this scroller by saying wrap.......... shit sounds better  (yeah me again 
- tor ) if you belive all what we told you then you must be a real idiot..
................. (restart scroller).........      execute s/startup-sequence
    ga;laxy have made many funny chars so here is one of them ***************
   when you contact me    no *** means no answer......................      
wrap            (shit)............. ... .. .                 (are we stopping
 or not... well we are not sure !!!?????) hi this is galaxy back to this 
scroll telling to that don`t use my pseudo name on letter because i 
won`t get them  ....... so bye now         shit............